
Bioconversion is the process of converting biomass, such as plants and other organic matter, into useful products such as biofuels, fiber, and other materials. This process is an important part of renewable energy production and sustainable development, helping to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Bioconversion has applications in both the industrial and consumer sectors, including the production of renewable fuels and bioplastics, as well as providing feed for livestock and fish. Bioconversion is a sustainable and cost-effective way to produce materials and is becoming increasingly popular as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional manufacturing processes.

From: International Journal of Antibiotic Research

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Editor-in-chief: Mujeeb Ur Rehman Nasar, Huazhong Agricultural University
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: International Journal of Antibiotic Research is an openaccess, peer review journal for original analysis on Antibiotics in different disease conditions. IJANR a multi-disciplinary journal covering the general fields of pharmacology, biochemistry, genetics,and microbiology .