Colon, Sigmoid

and Rectum The colon, sigmoid, and rectum form the large intestine, which plays an important role in digestion and the removal of waste from the body. The colon is approximately five feet long and is responsible for absorbing water and electrolytes from the contents of the gut, before waste moves into the sigmoid and rectum. The sigmoid colon is a curvy part located at the end of the large intestine, which stores food and passes it to the rectum. The rectum is the final section of the large intestine, which then sends the waste matter to the anus. These three parts of the large intestine are essential for the digestive process, allowing nutrients to be absorbed and waste to be eliminated.

From: Journal of Human and Animal Intestines

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Editor: Valentina Discepolo, Post-Doctoral Scholar. Department of Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology, University of Chicago (IL), USA.
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: Journal of Human and Animal Intestines is a leading international journal with up-to-date information on all prospects of Human and Animal Intestines. The main aim of this journal is to concentrate on cutting-edge techniques with specific features including abdominal diseases, specifically inflammatory bowel syndrome.