
Psychophysiology is the study of how psychological processes, such as thinking, feeling, and behavior, influence physiological processes, such as heart rate and respiration. It is a field of science that bridges psychology and physiology, looking at how different physiological systems influence, and are influenced by, psychological and behavior states. Psychophysiological methods are increasingly being used to diagnose and treat psychological disorders, and to better understand the interaction between mind and body. Research in this field is also used to gain insight into the efficacy of different psychological treatments and to inform the development of new treatments. As such, psychophysiology is a key tool in the development of mental health interventions.

From: Journal of Psychophysiology Practice and Research

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Editor: Shonali sud, Associate professor & Head, Department of Psychology, ST.Bede's College,Shimla,India
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: Journal of Psychophysiology Practice and Research is an advanced, Comprehensive, Open Access, Peer Reviewed Journal. This Journal encourages authors to submit manuscripts in all aspects of Psychophysiology which stimulate the researchers interest or which quench the thirst for knowledge.