
Spirituality is a broad concept referring to a relationship with the transcendent or sacred, involving meaningful connections with that which is greater than ourselves, our life purpose, and the search for inner peace and joy. It involves personal experiences and beliefs, as well as a sense of connectedness to something bigger. Spirituality can provide a sense of meaning, purpose, and identity. It has been linked to better mental and physical health, as well as greater life satisfaction and creativity. It is a powerful tool for cultivating resilience, creativity, and wellbeing in individuals, groups, and society.

From: International Journal of Health Statistics

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Editor: Mairead Bermingham, Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine,  Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine,  ​University of Edinburgh.
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: International Journal of Health Statistics proposes to bring out the Statistics about some aspects of health, which helps in figuring out who is at risk for certain diseases, finding ways to control diseases and deciding which diseases should be studied.