Veterinary Virology

Veterinary Virology refers to the study of the various viral infections affecting animals, and the measures taken to prevent, diagnose and treat them. It is a vital aspect of veterinary healthcare, as many viral diseases can cause significant morbidity and mortality in animals, leading to economic losses for animal owners and disruption to food systems. One example is the disease known as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), which is highly contagious among cloven-hooved animals. It is caused by a virus known as FMDV, and can lead to significant damage to the hooves and mouths of the affected animals, making it difficult for them to eat and move around. As a result, the meat and milk production of infected animals may decrease leading to economic losses for animal owners, farmers, and government. Among other important viral infections in animals that are studied under Veterinary Virology include West Nile Virus, Equine Herpesvirus, Avian Influenza, and many more. These infections affect a variety of animal species, including livestock, companion animals, and wildlife. Veterinary Virology helps to control and manage viral diseases by conducting research to develop better diagnostics, vaccines and treatments against these infections. Researchers and veterinarians work together to develop effective control measures that ensure the various viral infections affecting animals can be limited or eliminated. This is significant as it helps to ensure healthy and disease-free animals, which leads to increased profits for animal owners, greater food security, and improved public health. In conclusion, a better understanding of Veterinary Virology is essential for management and control of the various viral infections affecting animals. Further research and development in this field are needed to help improve disease prevention and control methods, leading to significant benefits for animal owners, farmers, governments, and society as a whole.

From: Journal of Veterinary Healthcare

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Editor-in-chief: Mohammed Elmetwally, Assistant Prof of Theriogenogy.
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: Journal of Veterinary Healthcare - is a comprehensive, open access, peer reviewed journal. This journal is devoted to Veterinary related issues and findings. Original research articles, review articles, short communications, case reports, and letters to the Editor are accepted. The journal primarily deals with the prevention, diagnosis and trea