Steliana Rizeanu
Bulevardul Decebal,
nr.6, bl.S10, sc.1, ap.3,
Sect.3, Bucharest.
Research Interests:
Pathological Gambling.
- Steliana Rizeanu is professor PhD at Hyperion University of Bucharest and the dean of Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.
- Dr. Rizeanu currently is teaching courses in Psychotherapy, Psychological Counseling, Clinical psycho-diagnosis and Psychology of addiction. She is also certified psychotherapist in cognitive-behavioral therapy, clinician psychologist and supervisor.
- Over the past years she was involved with theoretical and practical research in pathological gambling field and since 2010 she coordinates the “Gamble responsible” project in Romania.
- Dr. Rizeanu is member of many international editorial boards, such as: American Research Journal of Addiction and Rehabilitation, Cresco Online Publishing, American Research Journal of Geriatrics and Aging, Journal of Child & Adolescent Behaviour, Journal of Addiction Research, Mental Health & Human Resilience International Journal, Gavin Journal of Addiction Research and Therapies, Journal of Behavioral Neuroscience, Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology, Romanian Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis and Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies, The Moldova Practitioner Psychologists Association Journal.
- Dr. Rizeanu Steliana was a member of Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Positive Psychology & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy June 13-14, 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the Psiworld 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 International Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
- She is also a member of Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Alzheimer’s Diseases & Psychology (ICADP-2018) to be held during August 23-24, 2018 at Paris, France.
- Dr. Rizeanu is author/coordinator of six books and over 40 scholarly articles and papers published in accredited/peer reviewed journals.