
Cyanides are chemical compounds that are composed of carbon, nitrogen, and a third element, usually hydrogen. They are widely used in various industrial processes including electroplating, mining, and chemical synthesis. Cyanides are also found in nature in some plants, algae, and microorganisms. In recent years, several new developments in cyanide chemistry have been made, which have important implications for environmental and medical applications. For example, new cyanide sensors have been developed which can detect the presence of cyanide in water and soil samples with high sensitivity and selectivity. These sensors can be used for real-time monitoring of cyanide contamination levels in industrial effluents, agricultural runoff, and waste disposal sites. Another recent development in cyanide chemistry is the use of cyanide-containing compounds as cancer therapeutics. Some cyanide compounds show promising anticancer activity by targeting specific metabolic pathways in cancer cells that are different from normal cells. This approach is called metabolic intervention therapy and has shown to be effective against various types of cancer cells. Furthermore, researchers have developed new methods for the safe disposal of cyanide waste, and for the detoxification of cyanide-containing compounds. For example, bioremediation techniques have been developed which use microorganisms to degrade cyanide into harmless byproducts. These techniques can be used to clean up cyanide-contaminated sites and prevent potential hazards to the environment and public health. In summary, new developments in cyanide chemistry hold great promise for a range of applications from environmental monitoring to medical treatments. As research in this area continues, it is likely that new and innovative uses of cyanide will emerge.

From: Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

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Editor-in-chief: Zhe-Sheng Chen, Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions St. John’s University
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: Chemistry is a branch of physical science that studies the composition, structure, properties and change of matter. Chemistry includes topics such as the properties of individual atoms, how atoms form chemical bonds to create chemical compounds, the interactions of substances through inter molecular forces that give matter its general properties.