Assistant Professor of Pharmacology ,Department of Pharmacology ,
Babol Medical Science University , Babol ,
Amin Ataie
Park Nooshiravani, Shahrak 22Bahman,Hamzahkola Squar,Babol,Iran
- Feb 2003 to Feb 2010: PhD in Pharmacology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
- Dec 1991-June 1996: General Doctorate in Pharmacy, Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz, Iran
- Official researcher of Cellular and Molecoular Research Center of Babol Medical Science University of Iran with 5 years records 2010-2015
- Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol Iran, from october 2010 till now.
1-, Amin Ataie , Ramin Ataee, Ali Asghar Ahmadi, Mohammad Shadifar, Amin Ataie, Cathy Vaillancourt,Majid Jafari-Sabet, Talal Oufkir. Apoptosis is induced by curcumin in synergism with 5FU in human colorectal cancer cell line. Sci-Afric Journal of Scientific Issues, Research and Essays Vol. 2 (4), Pp. 147-150, April, 2014. Scopus
2-Amin Ataie, Ramin Ataee, Zahra Mansoury, Mohsen Aghajanpour.Homocysteine intracerebroventricular injection induces apoptosisin the Substantia Nigra cells and Parkinson like behavior in rat. IJMCM Spring 2013, Vol 2, No 6,PubMed
3-Ataie Amin, Ataee Ramin , Barghi Effat , Sima Shahabi , Mohammad Shadifar,Aghajanpour Mohsen . Younes Hosseinpour.Interaction of Memantine with Homocysteine on the Apoptosis in theRat Hippocampus cells. IJMCM Summer 2012, Vol 1, No 3PubMed
4-Ramin Ataee, Mohammad Shokrzadeh, Amin Ataie. The Role of Melatonin and Melatonin Receptors in Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy of Cancer. Austin Oncology September 11, 2017. GoogleScholar
5-Payman Ziapour, Ramin Ataee, Mohammad Shadifar, Cathy Vaillancourt, Ali Ahmadi, Majid Jafari -Sabet, Amin Ataee, New intracellular and molecular aspects in pathophysiology of colorectal cancer ,published Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench. ( 2011);4(2):43-52 PubMed
6-Ramin Ataee,Mohammadreza Zarrindast, Soheila Ajdary, Mahdi Rezayat,Amin Ataee Y25130Hydrochloride,a selective 5HT3 receptor antagonist has potent antimitogenic and antiapoptotic effect on HT29 colorectal cancer cell line", published ,ISI,PubMed ,Eropean Journal of cancer prevention, March 2010 - Volume 19 - Issue 2 - pp 138-143
7-Amin Ataie,Masoumeh Sabetkasaei,Abbas Haghparast,Akbar Hajizadeh Moghaddam, Ramin Ataee and Shiva Nasiraei Moghaddam, Curcumin Exerts Neuroprotective Effects against Homocysteine Intracerebroventricular Injection-Induced Cognitive Impairment and Oxidative Stress in Rat Brain, Published, PubMed,ISI J Med Food 13 (4) 2010
8-Masoome Sabetkasaei,Amin Ataie, Abbas Haghparast,Akbar Hajazadeh Moghaddam, Ramin Ataee, Shiva Nasiraei;The study of the neuroprotective effects of the polyphenolic antioxidant agent,Curcumin against homocysteine intracerebrovnticular injection-induced cognition impairment and oxidative stress in the rat, Published,ISI Journal of Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology,Dec 2009 ,13 (3) 328-339
9-An investigation of the neuroprotective effects of Curcumin in a model of Homocysteine - induced oxidative stress in the rat’s brain, Ataie A.,Sabetkasaei M., Haghparast A.,Hajizadeh Moghaddam A.Ataie R.,Nasiraei Moghaddam Sh Published,ISI DARU Vol. 18, No. 2 2010,128-136
10-Amin Ataie, Masoome Sabetkasaei, Abbas Haghparast, Akbar Hajazadeh Moghaddam Neuroprotective effects of the polyphenolic antioxidant agents, Curcumin , against homocysteine – induced cognetive impairment and oxidative stress in the rat Published, ISI Pharmacology , Biochemistry and Behavior, 96 (2010) 378-385. ISI, Pubmed.
11- Amin Ataee , Ramin Ataee, Ali Asghar Ahmadi, Mohammad Shadifar .The Serotonin 5-HT2A Receptor Antagonist Ritanserin Induces Apoptosis in Human Colorectal Cancer and Acts in Synergy with Curcumin. Int. Biol. Biomed. J. 2015; Vol 1 Issue 1.PubMed
12-Nafiseh Nasri Nasrabadi, ,Seyed Mousa Azizi Ziabari, ,Amin Ataie, ,Ramin Ataee. Evaluation of Antidepressant-Like Activity of Curcumin By Using Forced Swimming Test Compared With Imipramin. Universal Journal of Pharmacy. UJP 2014, 03 (04): Page 42-45.
13-Amin Ataie, Mohammad Shadifar Ramin Ataee, Polyphenolic Antioxidants and Neuronal Regeneration .Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. April 2016, Volume7, Number 2, PubMedA
14-Zahra Mansouri , Masoumeh Sabetkasaei ,Fatemeh Moradi , Fatemeh Masoudnia ,Amin Ataie, Curcumin has Neuroprotection Effect on Homocysteine Rat Model of Parkinson. J Mol Neurosci. 13 February 2012. PubMed,ISI
15-Yazdan Nourian, Ramin Ataee, Nafiseh Nasei Nasr Abadi, Amin Ataei ,Majid Jafari Sabet, Ali Morad Heydari Gorji, Interaction between Naloxone and Tramdol in kindling model of seizure in rat, AMIRJ, Vol. 2(4):13-17, 2015.PubMed
16-Mohammad Shadifar, Ramin Ataee, Amin Ataie, Ali Morad Heydari Gorgi, Nafiseh Nasri,Nasrabadi,Somayyeh Nouri, Genetic and molecular aspects of Helicobacter pylori in gastritis, pre- cancerous conditions and gastric adenocrcinoma, Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench, 2015;8(Suppl.1):S15-S22,PubMed
17- Mojtaba Hajihoseini1, Ramin Ataee, Amin Ataie, Ali Shoja, Nafiseh Nasri-Nasrabadi, Evaluation of Curcumin Effect in Diabetes and Diabetic Atherosclerosis, (IJIRMS) Volume 02 Issue 07 July 2017, ISSN No. - 2455-8737, Google Scholar
18-Amin Ataie, Ahmad karkhah, Ramin Ataee, Morphine pre- and post-conditioning exacerbates apoptosis in rat hippocampus cells in a model of homocysteine-induced oxidative stress. BIOMEDICAL REPORTS, June 23, 2017. PubMed
19-Vajiheh Alinezhad, Heshmatollah Alinezhad, Ramin Ataee, Amin Ataie, Utilization of curcumine and nanocurcumine compounds in cancer therapy. Pharm Biomed Res 2017; 3(3): 2, Google Scholar
20-Amin ataie et al. Involvement of NLRC4 inflammasome through caspase-1 and IL-1β augments neuroinflammation and contributes to memory impairment in an experimental model of Alzheimer's like disease. Brain Res Bull. 2020 Jan; 154:81-90.