Compounding Pharmacy

Compounding pharmacy is a branch of advanced pharmaceutical science and technology, which focuses on the creation of customized medications to meet the unique needs of individual patients. Compounding pharmacists prepare medications by combining or altering existing ingredients, based on the doctor's prescription and specific patient requirements. Compounding pharmacy has become increasingly important in recent years, as more patients are seeking individualized treatment options for their medical conditions. The use of compounded medications allows for greater flexibility in dosages, administration methods, and the inclusion or exclusion of certain ingredients, such as allergens or preservatives. Compounding pharmacists must have a high level of expertise in pharmaceutical science and technology, as well as a thorough understanding of drug interactions, dosage calculations, and the unique requirements of each patient. They also work closely with prescribers, patients, and insurance providers to ensure that medications are safe, effective, and affordable. Overall, the field of compounding pharmacy is critical in providing personalized and effective treatment options for a wide range of medical conditions, from chronic pain management to hormone replacement therapy. The technologies and techniques involved in compounding pharmacy are constantly evolving, and it is essential for pharmacists to stay current with new developments in the field to provide the best possible care for their patients.

From: Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science And Technology

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Editor-in-chief: Rajiv Kumar, Northeastern University & DFCI Harvard Medical School.
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: The journal aims to cover the latest outstanding developments and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance in the field of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology. We expect the field to grow beyond the current developments. We aim for the best.