Journal of

Journal of Memory

Current Issue Volume No: 1 Issue No: 1

ISSN: Coming Soon
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Editorial Open Access
  • Available online freely Peer Reviewed
  • Memory: A Universal Concept but Limitedly Known.

    Masoomeh Faghankhani 1  

    1Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

    Author Contributions
    Received 17 Mar 2018; Accepted 17 Mar 2018; Published 22 Mar 2018;

    Copyright ©  2018 Masoomeh Faghankhani , et al

    Creative Commons License     This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

    Competing interests

    The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


    Masoomeh Faghankhani (2018) Memory: A Universal Concept but Limitedly Known. . Journal of Memory - 1(1):1-2.

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    DOI Coming Soon


    Memory is a universal concept with global application. This universality has been extended from tiny particles of the atom to a conscious cosmos in nature. Memory concept is also hidden in history, culture, language, and social sciences. Memory footprint is also prominently seen in mathematical and technical related sciences. Trying to know memory, human beings have progressed as far as it has been able to simulate memory on a limited scale such as electronic memories. Although we appreciably progress in knowing memory, its mechanism, and its application, we know a little bit more than nothing about memory.

    In the whole human, as a miniature of the universe, memory is defined as a complex mental function having four distinct phases including memorizing or learning, retention, recall, and recognition. However, memory is a visible characteristic of individual cells and even cell components such as the genome, receptors, and etc. It is obvious that deeper recognition of organic memories, their mechanisms, their applications, and their differences will contribute much more toward impressive progress in simulating organic memories and consequently invention of more efficient and practical artificial memories which reciprocally help us in medicine. Therefore, memory research is potentially among hop topic researches which not only can add value to medicine, biology, and psychology but also to social sciences and today technologies.

    “Journal of Memory” aims to make memory knowledge and its applications more flourished via highlighting the lacks and gray zones of memory as well as publishing a broad spectrum of high quality and novel articles. We additionally decide to connect molecular memory researchers, clinical memory researchers, Alternative medicine memory researchers, social science memory researchers, and the researchers of artificial memory and intelligence technology via publishing their articles next to each other in the same journal which encourages their curiosity for knowing more about the interdisciplinary concept of memory. In this way, we may contribute to filling the gap between biology, medicine, psychology, technology, social sciences, and complementary and alternative medicine about memory knowledge and applications.

    The scope of the “Journal of Memory” is knowledge of organic memory and its applications to improve human life. We welcome memory oriented researches in neuroscience, neuropsychological, clinical, developmental, educational, and social scope. The “Journal of Memory” appreciates not only the research about organic memory but also that about the artificial memory which helps to better understand of organic memories in the universe or to find a solution to optimize the organic memories. The “Journal of Memory” believes the interdisciplinary essence of memory concept, so that we appreciate authors to submit their own memory researches which is related to organic memory. We publish a broad spectrum of high quality and novel articles about memory including editorials, commentaries, letters, reviews, reports, experimental studies, clinical trials, meta–analyses, and etc.

    “Journal of Memory” is a monthly electronic and peer reviewed journal with faster and more precise peer review processing. It is different from other journals due to a wider scope. We have specifically devoted a section of the journal to the artificial memory oriented researches which related to organic memories and social sciences’ researches about memory which contribute to improving human life. Moreover, we dedicated a limited capacity of acceptance to the memory researches with the complementary and alternative medicine background. Although our focus is memory researches in biology, psychology, and medicine.

    We attempt to make “Journal of memory” one of the most reputable and updated databases of memory in future. We hope that we will success to make “Journal of memory” a hub to bring memory researchers together for synapsing their knowledge, skills, novel ideas, and creativities. Finally, we have generated a list of some hot topics in memory territory to give the authors and audiences better estimation of the content of journal and our favorite titles which are in priority to be published.

    Hot topics of memory researches:

    Neuroscience of memory.

    Neuropsychology of memory.

    Memory changes in aging.

    Memory changes in the neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer, Parkinson's, Huntington's, and etc.

    Memory changes in psychiatric diseases like anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, and etc.

    Memory changes in other diseases.

    Prenatal period and memory.

    Memory optimization in children and adults with disease or in a healthy state.

    Memory retrieval.

    Artificial memory simulation.

    Memory role in personal and social behaviors and behaviors of communities.

    Ethics of remembering and forgetting.

    Memory and education in children and adults.

    Complementary and Alternative Medicine philosophy of memory and its approaches to the treatment of memory deficits.