Jayasilan Mohd-Azlan
Animal Resource Science & Management Faculty of Resource Science and Technology,
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan Sarawak, Malaysia.
Research Interests:
Conservation biology and Animal ecology
- Sarawak is particularly an interesting place to study wildlife because of its rich biodiversity with relatively highendemicity.
- Deforestation and land conversions to oil palm have accelerated in many parts of South-east in recent decade.
- This has posed various threats to local wildlife, particularly those which are endemic to Borneo.
- This has called for a rapid assessment and protection of the flora and fauna without hindering the development of the local socio-economic.
- Adding on to the pioneers’ works in Sarawak, I studied the distribution and conservation of terrestrial mammals and in recent times I am keen to work on birds for various reasons.
- I have used various techniques to understand the complexity of animal distribution and ecology in this region.
- I have worked on carnivores, chiropterans, and birds.
- I have worked in Northern Australia, Peninsular Malaysia, Malaysian Borneo, as well as in Kalimantan, and currently keen to work on community ecology related studies.
- This involves, species-area relationship, effect of disturbance and spatial matrices and foraging ecology.