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International Physiology Journal

Current Issue Volume No: 1 Issue No: 4

ISSN: 2578-8590
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  • The Comparison of Walking Performance in Cold and Warm Biologically Conditions in Physiology

    Nasim Habibzadeh 1  

    1PhD in Sport Science, Department of Sport Science, Teesside University, UK


    Walking is the best possible exercise to promote fitness. However, ambient temperature has an impact on walking regimen and performing exercise in different biological conditions can be challenging tasks. For example, both cold and hot temperatures can impair walking performance. In fact, walking in different cold and warm ambient can be challenging physical activity. But suitable sport wears and drinks during walking performances can protect of the body in cold and warm conditions. In this relation, different cold and warm weathers although can challenge walking performance but they account for opportunities for body to adapt to the different seasonal conditions. Thus, performing regular walking in different cold and warm weathers can help individual to stay active as well as fit.

    Author Contributions
    Received 24 Nov 2018; Accepted 24 Nov 2018; Published 25 Nov 2018;

    Copyright ©  2018 Nasim Habibzadeh

    Creative Commons License     This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

    Competing interests

    The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


    Nasim Habibzadeh (2018) The Comparison of Walking Performance in Cold and Warm Biologically Conditions in Physiology. International Physiology Journal - 1(4):1-3.

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    DOI 10.14302/issn.2578-8590.ipj-18-2493


    Performing any type of sport in various conditions can yield several health benefits in human body. An optimal body health promotes any good work in different aspects. This is because, executing regular physical activity can result in continuous physical fitness as well as readiness 1.

    Walking is the best possible exercise which simply can be performed with minimum cost of energy in any environments. Particularly, walking accounts for healthiest kind of aerobic exercise as all body segments contract in order to move forward or backward directions . More bodily movements during walking exercise are linked with more healthy activities that can be accompanied with good - health and prosperousness 2, 3.

    Walking workouts can be accomplished according to any volume and acceleration depending on the associated biological territory at which walking is being performed. In regards to this, walking can be categorized in habitual at any pace or structural at predetermined pace. Further, the type of walking surface aligned with gravity can change walking pace and oxygen uptake during walking, so that different type of walking demands different level of energy consumptions (higher or lower) 4, 5.

    Therefore, various walking type present different health benefits in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Uphill-walking uses for weight - loss program owing to the high level of energy consumption and downhill-walking use to strengthen the musculature due to gravity assistance 6, 7.

    Nonetheless, performing exercise such as ordinary walking in different biological conditions can be a challenging task and in this short - review the potential factors which can impact on walking performance will be evaluated in brief.

    Walking in Cold and Warm Biological Environments

    Physiologically performing walking in non-identical conditions demands different physical bodily efforts. In regards to this, the biological adaption of the different kind of environments including warm or cold is the main determinate in movement‘s executions (i.e. walking performances) per each condition 8.

    Greater body temperature, heart rate, higher circulation, and higher ventilator responses owing to the thermal stress is required while walking in heat conditions. The hot weather dramatically increases the breathing frequency, central and cardiovascular fatigues and oxygen transformations to upper and lower body plus whole skin per second while walking locomotion 9. Although, the individual adaptions to the environment variations differ between one to another. Indeed, any body movement can be resilience to varied conditions and exercise in hot weather although is challenging work but account for an opportunity to kind of body adaption (i.e. cardiovascular and respiratory adaptions) to heat condition. For example, avoiding intensive physical exertion and performing moderate any type of activity regularly such as systematically walking at moderate pace can be an effective strategy to adapt to the hot weather. Drinking adequate fluid and water can help to prevent dehydration and losing body fluid while walking in heat climate. Many people do not drink enough while performing physical activity so that they are not able to have a free-flowing movement in warm weather 10. Therefore, having a regular bottle of water while walking can be a good help to maintain body fluid and electrolytes in warm climate . Indeed, drinking enough water (or any proper sport drink) while walking in heat situation reduces the risk of exhaustion and physiological strain in individual over time 11.

    Walking regimen in cold weather also may seems an adventure since cold weather is align with different challenges , but it is gain an opportunity for people to get fit and stay active as minimum of health benefit . Cold weather can lead pain, stiffness or cramp and shivering (involuntary muscle contraction) in musculoskeletal – system 12. This is because, exposure to the cold temperature can cause muscles consume more oxygen uptake while losing more heat and energy that easily can be compensated by wearing proper clothes and drinks during any movement and in part walking 13.

    Cold environment can reduces walking pace and velocity which can be recompensed with longer - duration of walking performance, so that cold weather condition dose not actually account for a barrier for performing any physical movement including walking exercise. Walking in cold weather as causes more energy consumptions and calorie intakes, can also lead to the more ideally body mass index (BMI) and body shape in individual who are more active and intend to walk more in cold temperature 14.


    In summary it seems ambient temperature has functional impacts on any kid of exercise in part simple walking. At the first look, different ambient conditions may impair physical activations. For example both cold and hot temperatures can result in hypoxia that can inhibit prolong exercise in different individual. In this relation, performing regular exercise such as 30 minutes walking per each day at moderate pace can help to stay fit as well as active. Proper sport wears and drink are also good preventive strategies to combat sedentary lifestyle in different conditions. Performing regular exercise such as walking in various seasonal warm or cold weather physiologically can be a challenge task whitest at the same time can be an opportunity to adapt with any conditions to stay fit and healthy which of course depends on the individual determinations.


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