In this work, we try to explain the concept of human talent with the help of some equations and models, which are not generated by any one previously. Here we also trying to explain ‘human talent is not resources it’s itself one of the great sources to find out all possible resources’. Because we cannot predict human talent directly, to judge it, we should have to adapt some methods for talent acquisition, which we explained with the help of models and equations. How human talent is one of the great source, if we want to know it, we have to observe human behavior, wits and intelligence strictly by working simultaneously with them. In this work our conclusion is ‘human talent natural and dynamic in nature’ and can be easily diverted to perform any task. Where as machine and technology has programmed memory, logics i.e. artificial intelligence (AI), and hence in result talent is fixed and constant in nature and only able to do repetitive and fixed task and also for proper handling and utilization of machines and technology need arises of human talent. In last only want to mentioned work is very useful in all HRM and OB practices.
Author Contributions
Academic Editor: Yung-Yao Chen, Human-Computer Interaction and Imaging Systems Lab, Thiwan
Checked for plagiarism: Yes
Review by: Single-blind
Copyright © 2019 Sadique Shaikh, et al.

Competing interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Literature Review
Leary-Joyce J (2004) believes that building successful brand and achieving the enviable position of “Employer of Choice” within competitive staff recruitment market requires consistently delivering on the expectations set and promises made. Effective employer brand has to be built from within: this means ensuring that consistent and good practices at all stages in the recruitment and employment processes are deliverable and achievable. Still they are a major challenge for many 21st century organizations and within any sector. Employer brand building needs to be about substance, rather than rhetoric or spin. Cheryl Farley (2005) opines that the demand of managing talent effectively are placing new emphasis on strategic requirements of the HR function. It also requires a shift in thinking and a new level of participation at executive level. Translating corporate goals into workforce needs, linking people to profit, and effectively managing talent are key to improving business performance Pi Wen Looi, Ted Z Marusarz and Raymond W Baumruk (2006) have conducted comprehensive study of best employers for Hewitt Associates. The survey was conducted in Canada, America, India and Europe in 2004. According to them best employers know the secret of attracting and retaining top employees around the world. The report says that five characteristics of best employers are inspired leadership, unique company culture; focus on growing talent, strong sense of accountability, and aligned HR practices and excellent execution. The report also reveals that there is a link between best employer and sustainable business results. The research found that best employers consistently outperform the rest in revenue growth, profits, and total shareholder returns. They receive more unsolicited applications from potential employees, have higher employee retention
rate, which translates into significant savings, higher productivity, and knowledge retention for the companies. They have passionate and engaged workforce that they will inevitably further the company’s success. Nancy R. Lock Wood (2006), in a report opines that in today's global economy, companies must continually invest in human capital. In the role of business partner, HR leaders work closely with senior management to attract, hire, develop and retain talent. Yet the skills shortage presents both socio-economic and cultural challenges as talent crosses borders. Thus, in view of workforce trends such as shifting demographics, global supply chains, the aging workforce and increasing global mobility, forward-looking organizations must rethink their approach to talent management to best harness talent. By doing so, they will be positively positioned to succeed in a highly competitive marketplace. In addition, organizational culture, employee engagement and leadership development have a significant impact on talent retention. Taking these factors into consideration, an integrated approach to talent management offers a pathway toward sustaining outstanding business results. Nityanand Rao S, and Sharvani Bhavirishetty, (2008) carried out a research on attrition in IT sectors. They indicate that, employee attrition is due to retirement, death (known as natural attrition) and resignations. The phenomenal increase in resignations is giving rise to concerns among employers, who are making efforts to trace the causes of resignations. Attrition in the Indian IT sector has been increasing. In this scenario, HR managers need to come up with new ideas to retain the employees. Valerie Garrow and Wendy Hirsh (2008) have suggested that the two key dimensions that require careful consideration are those of “focus” and “fit”. “Focus” relies on a clear strategy for how talent management will contribute to organizational objectives, what parts of the organization and which job roles will be sourced. “Fit” ensures that talent management processes support the strategic objectives, resonate with but possibly also challenge the organizational culture, which has been taken into account the psychological contract between employer and employee and sit well with existing HR processes where we can adopt the efficient talent management practices. Tom Baum (2008) explores the characteristics and analyzed talent management scenarios within which businesses can operate for developmental approach which focus on talent identification. It will be of value to practitioners in helping them to evaluate their recruitment, retention and development practices. It will also be of value to researchers in providing the basis for further study and reflection in this area. Peter Cheese (2008) discussed the importance of talent management to strategic success and to identify the challenges in building talent power and to explore how to overcome those challenges. It asserts that an organization needs to put in place key processes in order to retain and actively multiply talent. They include: maintaining visible leadership that is focused on talent; encouraging and rewarding line managers for nurturing talent; and modernizing HR and training to identify, develop and deploy talent to the best effect. It had found that importance of talent management to strategic success, in order to identify the challenges in building talent power and to explore how to overcome those challenges 1, 2.
Talent Acquisition
Talent acquisition is the besieged acquisition of high performing groups. Organizations needing external recruitment or head-stalking companies are now employing "talent acquisition" specialists those job it is to find approach and recruit high performing groups from competitors. This role is a highly particular role similar to that of a traditional recruiter/headhunter specialist then carrying greater prominence and strategic significance to a business. Your organization has to grow mixed talent acquisition strategies to appeal and employ top candidates, developing sourcing plans that contains social media and employer branding. You also have to identify recruitment technology not only to reach candidates but also to evaluate and specify analytics on those candidates. Identify the right individuals who will change the company, and build widespread talent recruitment plans that join business goals and talent objectives. Organizations face quick changes and unknown changing aspects in present difficult recruiting market. They obtain huge numbers of applications for some positions and an absence of skilled candidates for others. The influence of employing the incorrect candidate cannot be overstated. At the same time, organizations are under rising pressure to minimize costs and increase productivity. At this similar point, it may be valuable to determine how talent acquisition is watched as different from recruitment. Recruitment is essentially filling an available position when a person leaves or is vaunted to another function. Recruitment pursuit ends when you find a candidate who is skilled for the job in question and involved in the job. Talent acquisition is yet a more difficult process. It is concerned as a more practical approach and a complete way to search for talent that will provide to the whole business success of your organization. Talent acquisition compels good networking ability to go out after the right talent, which would have beating ‘top performers’ who are not dynamically looking for a change of job. Therefore, talent acquisition is the corporate employing chant for high level hires today 3.
Modeling of Talent Acquisition
Teamwork and Talent Acquisition
Today’s world trust management as backbone of business , they want each and every work and process must be according to proper plans & controls and for this purpose management term becomes very vital in all business and office sections, where we want to achieve established goals and happen only possible with forming an organization and teamwork. Since management itself has definition “getting things done with and through people” and this statement only satisfied with effective teamwork. Instead of individual creativity more emphasis must be given to creative teamwork, because it’s stimulates creativity. In teamwork we can talk, discuss, and share the ideas at top levels and middle and lower levels management, because each person has his/her individual talent 4. Here why talent term under consideration, because teamwork means different people with different talent and ideas make a group and a whole bunch of creative people working closely together in a corporative environment, which is conducive to innovative thinking with brainstorming. An HR professional doesn’t get to take part in the business strategy formulation, but it is expected to align. Regulate and stabilize HR system related to talent and knowledge management to assist overall strategies. Also teamwork has to be cemented, everybody moving ahead with vision and focus. It’s underscore togetherness, energizing actuation and measurement all of which command people with different background, training, education, ethnic, origin, modes of living, culture and taste and these outlooks and visions bind together for giving shape tone better and efficient team for desired work. Talent provides a key in such a case and may take the team too much greater heights and benefits accruing there from are reaped by the organization. Here is why our more emphasis on human talent why not on machines and technology. These fundamentals here we simplified with the help of three simple equations for human, machine and animal with simultaneously comparing all terms with general equitation and some models for talent acquiring and personnel handling. But before to explain that, we want to state first “talent not lies in machines and technology, but applying human talent on it, we can able to achieve established goals using help of machines and technology. As shown below and if use AI not cost effective for small/medium scale business 5, 6. Figure 1
Figure 1.Talent Process Flow Model
Since human is not resource they themselves one of the great source to find out all possible resources with this consideration because of human has a great thinking power as compare to others living creatures, hence we tried to explain this with the help of equations with comparative analysis and comparing with general equation, which has three variables for three different terms potential, thinking power and talent as A, B and C respectively.
General equation ==== →: A+B+C
Human === → Inbuilt potential + greater thinking power + Large talent
(Ability of work)
Animal ==== → inbuilt potential + less/no thinking power + zero talent.
Machine === → external potential + artificial thinking + constant/repetitive Talent (fixed talent)
priority in each equation is given to first potential, second thinking power and third talent, which are denoted by in general equation A, B and C variables respectively, and with the help of these variables we described whole concept of talent acquisition.
in case of animals, if we talk about potential obviously its natural God gift just like human, means here potential can not be obtain by any external sources. That’s why we can say that here potential is inbuilt, and variable A as strong as like human beings with reference to general equation. Now but as we move toward second parameter B, we it’s very very poor i.e. thinking power, they also has some thinking but just to walk, eat. Protect, sense and search food etc.here due to poorness of term B third term C directly becomes zero i.e. talent=0 or C=0, which are so far of consideration to achieve good and efficient work from them.
now we going to switch our equation towards machines, if we think with deep penetration about machines and advance technology, here term A i.e. potential always applied or external potential in the form of voltages, current and fuels, means potential not natural source and we have to pay electricity and fuels bills in the form of money so term A becomes cost estimating term, and still after heavy expenses term B is not as per our expectation, means term B thinking like human from machine not possible, but still we proved it by Artificial Intelligence (AI) , with the help of memories, Computer programming, CNC programming and advance digital logics by the help of microprocessors and micro controllers and all these assembly of hardware and software having lot of cost, and after invest heavy amount for it, term C are fixed, means their talent or ability of work always limited and fixed i.e. if observe here term talent=constant C=constant, here for decision making and control purpose microprocessor and micro controller are used. But talent not desired.
in human we found all terms i.e. A, B and C are very very strong without any expenses. Because, if we discussed about potential it’s a God gift to human which are inbuilt and natural, that’s why term A of general equation is satisfactory, and also human has a great thinking power only need to direct, control , course, reshape and divert to fit in correct manner, for correct task by identifying, here term B only found most strong and changeable man to man in human and it’s natural, and due to heavy influence of term B last term C which directly related to talent becomes more and more strong without any cost called skills. In human equation this term C are Dynamicin nature that is C=variable. And this C=variable are main concern of our work, to get any things, any process and any work possible for human beings, only need of proper managing, controlling and directing. And we can make them able for any desired or specific task by providing training to them. To achieve set objectives and goals in terms of results. For this purpose we sketched one processing model, which is useful for good talent acquiring and to obtain best work from the personnel exhibited below figure 2
Figure 2.Talent Acquisition Model
All variables of input block must be apply to the execution block, where this execution block is again split into two sub-blocks as, planning, managing and controlling (PMC) block and working block, by combination of these two execution block is form, and we can able to achieve established goals and results successfully only when all input parameters of input block apply correctly to execution block. Here one thing we have to always taken into account link between execution block and input block must be bi-directional for flexible alternation and modification for efficient working between all management levels to share their ideas top to lower levels and also from lower to top levels, and for this purpose we display feedback mechanism from execution block to input block in bi-directional mode and all ideas and thoughts share through effective communication between all management levels. Now we switched to focus all blocks individually
1. Input Block
inputs block consisting all those elements which are necessary for efficient work obtain from workers and team members. This capsule of input parameters is all HRM and TL should have to apply precisely and accurately in their organizations and team, discuss in brief below.
1. Professional Personnel
here position filling in organization and team must be according to their education, and which person suitable for which post with their ability of work.
2. Motivation
motivation is one of the parameter, which plays very important role in organization; this quality should be possessed by the HR-managers, TL for their team. This parameter indirectly affected on the personnel, not in physical form in nature but virtually, due to this reason here we taking this term in multiplication form, which highly affected on the performance. Motivation is considered as one of the important aspect of “Actuating” because it is motivation that energies the behavior of people, while behavior activates action leads to actuation. Motivation is the force that energies encourage and direct the personnel towards the attaining goals. But we have to remember one thing with motivation is orientation; to actuating people one great consideration is orientation for work, can be learn by training providing to personnel.
3. Interest
interest of each people is different and we have to judge it, which person exhibits which kind of interest, and suitable for which position in organization and team with their full of talent devotion and concentration on works and responsibilities again its not in physical form but wrong judgment heavily influences on the work and performance indirectly, so again due to this reason taken as in multiplication form in input block.
4. Friendly Leadership Environment
expectation from this term is, one good HR-mgr, TL, should have to create friendly leadership during working hours with their team members and subordinates. They should try to understand their feelings, emotions, patience and ability individually of each, and distribution of responsibilities and work should be according to their interest of work and desired work providing to them. Because organization and team is nothing “it’s a group of people working together to achieve common goal or results”, also one good HRM/TL have to work simultaneously with their team and organization, and maintain both formal and informal relation with them.
5. Advance Technology
this parameter physical in nature and directly affected on personnel means directly affected on goals, good solution for it always adapt and modify the old technology by new one.
6. Incentives
incentives one of the important parameter, which support to motivation and interest and push workers towards the effective work for established goal.
7. Stipulated Time
to eliminate over helming of work and responsibilities, some specific time duration also provide to workers which help to achieve efficient work from them without any pressure and burden.
8. Burden of Work
work always according to capacity of person with stipulated time and understanding psychology of particular person. If they unable to do task individually, distribute task into modules and provide as group work by forming team. By team work we can rectify this burden which always we need to subtract.
B. Execution Block
this is main interfacing and processing block, in which HR-mgr and TL apply input block parameters precisely and properly on professional and talented personnel, this block further segmented as
b1>Working block and b2>PMC block
b1. Working Block
working block is heart of process model, because all goals and results achieve in this block, all middle levels and lower levels management i.e. managers,leaders,members and workers come under this category, which are talented personnel and always engaged in work for excellent results and link with PMC block in bi-directional form. To clear picture we once again focus on “human talent” according to our equation terms talent in human are C= variable. hence with the reference to this term human talent is not a constant term its dynamic in nature and can be diverted to do any task by applying particular program on it. This program must be in terms of educational, skill developing, management development and training programs/courses. Therefore to structure and conduct such programs for personnel we need expert concerns/talent. Means need arises for further classification of human talent, its can be classified as
A>Self talent and B>Dependent talent
Self Talent
we can define this term as, if any person who individually able to think for any plan, process and work with deep sense/ penetration and able to make their own decisions with using strong logics, quantitative/qualitative/scientific/mathematical approach and intuitions can be define as a self talented person, and they must be subjected at top level management for post of MD, TL and HR-mgr. and they should have to apply their self talent on the dependent talent i.e. at middle levels and lower levels management and all GM, Exe-Mgrs, employees, workers and members lies under this levels. Self-talented personnel of top level have to apply their knowledge, experience, expert-ship and talent at middle and lower level by conducting training and target oriented programs for them.
Dependent Talent
this term is again related to personnel, means its dynamic in nature, but assumption is somewhat different, though they has self-talent but they don’t have the ability to utilize it properly and with correct direction, means here need arises to direct/lead and divert them with precise control by top level management. Here one thing is clearly exhibits dependent talent personnel is drive by the self talent personnel,
b2. PMC Block
this block we can also able to say alternatively control unit , which controls overall activities and works of personnel in working block and control by top level management. The main function of this block to manage the personnel for efficient working and if any problem occurs in processing rectify it. We can also able to define talent management is skill required for every function and be able to identifying the right people for every job, and “these right people those who have the innate ability to integrate themselves into the company and work with others, whether it is sales, production, finance and technology.” In this block also one single most important factor always try to understand which are forever looking in people is “Emotions”. A top level management always tries to eliminate problem with conduction of meetings, training, demand accepting and ideas sharing between all levels and all this done with “effective communications”.
C. Output Block
If all input parameters apply precisely and accurately on the execution block, results, goals and objectives attainment successfully, and it’s always in the form of good service to society and more and more profitable business.
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