Huey Shan Hung
Associate Professor,
Institute of Biomedical Medicine,
School of Medicine.
Research Interests:
Stem cell biology, Tissue Engineering
Academic Honors and Awards:
- Excellent post-doctor award of National Health Research Institute (NHRI) (Biomaterials) (Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers Chicago, Illinois, USA) (2007)
- Fabrication of PLGA Microvessel Scaffolds with Circular Microchannels Using Soft Lithography, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Best Annual Paper Award (2007)
- Excellent post-doctor award of National Health Research Institute (NHRI) (8th World Biomaterials Congress)(Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (2008)
- 2nd Pan Pacific Symposition on Stem Cells Research (First Prize in Best Poster Award)(2009)
- Enhanced migration of whatron’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Best Annual Paper Award (2013)
- Chinese Institute of Engineers, Biomedical Engineering, Best Annual Paper Award (2014)