Mustafa Kemal University Hatay,
Research Interests:
Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation, Neurology, Women Health.
- Three different points of view in stroke rehabilitation: Patient, caregiver, and physiotherapist.
- Central Bringing Excellence in Open Access Effects of Physiotherapeutic Exercises on Quality of Life ın Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.
- Examining the exercise consciousness and habits of individuals using outdoor sports equipment.
- The Role Of Active Video Accompanied Exercıses In Preventing Obesity In Children: A Prospective Study From Turkey.
- The effect of walking sticks on balance in geriatric subjects.
- Examination of Sleep Quality, Anxiety and Depression in Stroke Patients.
- Effects of Yoga on Sleep Quality, Depression in Children with Cerebral Palsy.
- Evaluating effects of different musical types on depression, sleep quality, mental state and anxiety in stroke patients.
- A Case Report: Balance Training with Virtual Reality in Patients with Bilateral Peripheral Vestibulopathy.
- Comparison of upper extremity function, pain, and tactile sense between the uneffected side of hemiparetic patients and healthy subjects.