Journal of Neoplasms

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Neoplasms --Ken H Young

United States

The University of Texas,
MD Anderson Cancer Center.

713-661-0560, 713-817-8387

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Ken H Young


4433 Dorothy Street,
Houston, TX 77401.


  • NIH/NCI funding award support for EBV+ lymphoma, TP53 and MYC molecular target pathway.
  • To focus on these funded programs and recent promising clinical trials related to these pathways, I have these NIH support:

NIH funding award focused lectures:

  1. EBV+ Aggressive Lymphoma: Biology, Mechanism and Molecular Targets for Successful Clinical Trials;
  2. Myc Oncogene Functions As Critical Biomarker and Therapeutic Target in Aggressive Lymphoma
  3. Pathogenesis and Targeted Biomarker Studies Facilitate Risk Stratification and Targeted Therapy in DLBCL Patients
  4. TP53 Tumor Suppressor Gene is Critical Biomarker and Therapeutic Target in Lymphoma

Education focused lectures in American Society of Pathology and Hematology:

  1. Acute myelogenous leukemia - WHO classification and clinical issues
  2. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma - Current WHO classification and new challenge
  3. New WHO Classification of Lymphoid Neoplasms 
  4. Dendritic and Histiocytic Neoplasms - New WHO Classification and clinical issues
  5. Myelodysplastic Syndrome - WHO Classification and new challenge
  6. Automated Hematology Analysis 
  7. Molecular Diagnostics and Cytogenetics in Lymphoma and Leukemia Applications
  8. Hodgkin lymphoma - Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis and Molecular Mechanism
  9. Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Pathology (AACLS lecture award)
  10. Flow cytometry and its application in hematologic malignancies
  11. Lymphoid Neoplasms Where we stand now for the standard care in the molecular century
  12. Molecular mechanisms of DLBCL what relevant to the clinical management
  13. EBV+ Lymphoma: Biology, Mechanism and Clinical Management