Soon Young Oh
Boelter Hall 3803 D
Research Interests:
Currently, he is employed as a senior research and development scientist with UtopiaCompression Corporation in Los Angeles, California where he is conducting research and project of tactical wireless ad hoc communication and networking. His main research interests include mobile wireless ad hoc network routing protocol design and development, particularly multicast routing protocol in ad hoc networks, delay tolerant networking, QoS routing, wireless network management, and content centric networking.
Soon Young Oh received his B.S degree in Information and Computer Sciences from University of California, Irvine in 2003 and his M.S. and Ph.D degree in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles in 2005 and 2009, respectively. After finishing his Ph.D course, he has worked with Dr. Mario Gerla at UCLA as a post-doctoral fellow for two years.Dr. Oh is (co-)authors of more than 30 peer reviewed books, journals, conferences, and workshops articles in the various fields of mobile wireless ad hoc networks.