Universidad Autónoma,
Metropolitana Iztapalapa Health Sciences,
Dept Division of Health Sciences.
Elizabeth Hernandez Perez
95 Dakota Tower,
A C-1201 "residential World Trade Center" Col,
zip code 03810,
Benito Juárez. Mexico City.
- Hernandez,Pérez E., Gutiérrez Ruiz, M.C. Garcia Vargas, g. (1998) "Effect of acute lead treatment on coproporphyrinogen oxidase, oxidase activity in HepG2 cells" Toxicology, 126:163-171. ISSN: 0300-483 x
- Bucio, l., García, C., Souza, V., Hernandez-Pérez E, Betancourt, M. y Gutiérrez Ruiz. (1999) "Uptake, cellular distribution and DNA damage produced by Hg in a human fetal hepatic cell line". Mutation Research 423:65-72. ISNN:1383 – 5742.
- Gutierrez-ruiz, M.C., Souza, V., Bucio, l., Hernandez-Pérez E, Olivares, I.P., Llorente, l., Alvarado, C., Vorackova Vargas, f. and Kershenobich, D. (1999) "Cytokines, growth factors, and oxidative stress in HepG2 cells treated with ethanol, acetaldehyde, and LPS" . Toxicology 134 (2 - 3): 197-207. ISSN: 0300-483 x.
- Elizabeth Hernández-Pérez, "lead and its effects on health," (1999) Science and development Vol. XXV 36-39 Mexico
- Gutierrez Ruiz, M.C., Gómez, L.E., Hernandez-Pérez E, Bucio, l., Souza, V., Llorente, l. Kershenobich, D. (2001) "Cytokine response and oxidative stress produced by ethanol, acetaldehyde and endotoxin treatment in HepG-2 cells". 3:131-136 IMAJ.
- Quiroz, S.C., Bucio, l., Souza, V., Hernández-Pérez E., González, e., Kershenobich, D., Vargas Vorokova, Gutierrez-ruiz, M.C. (2001) "Effect of endotoxin pretreatment on stellate cell response to ethanol and acetaldehyde". J Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 16 (11): 1267-1273. ISSN: 1440-1746
- Gutierrez Ruiz, M.C., Bucio, l., Correa a., Souza, V., Hernandez-Pérez, Gomez Quiroz, l. Kersehenobich D. (2001) "Metadoxine prevents damage produced by ethanol and acetaldehyde in hepatic stellate cells in culture and hepatocyte" Pharmacol. Res. 44 (5): 431-436. ISSN: 1043-6618.
- Escobar, M.C., Souza, V., Bucio, l., Hernández-Pérez,Damian Matsumura, Gutierrez-ruiz, M.C. (2002) "Cadmium induces alpha (I) collagen (I) and metallothionein II gene and alters the antioxidant system in rat hepatic stellate cells" Toxicology 170 (1 - 2): 63-73. ISSN: 0300-483.
- Hernandez-Pérez Correa Bucio, l., Souza, V., Kershenobich, D. Gutierrez Ruiz, (2002) "Pentoxifylline diminished acetaldehyde-induced collagen production in hepatic stellate cells by IL-6 expression decreasing". Pharmacol. Res. 46 (5): 435-443. ISSN: 1043-6618.
- Gomez, l., Bucio, l., Souza, V., Escobar, M.C., Farfan, B., Hernandez-Perez Königsberg, M., Vargas, f., Kershenobich, D. Gutierrez-ruiz. (2003) IL 8 response and oxidative stress in HepG2 cells treated with ethanol, acetaldehyde or lipopolysaccharide. Hepatol. Res. 26 (2): 134-141. ISSN: 1386-6346.