Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada
The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Ein Karem, 91120, Jerusalem, Israel.
91- 9884940150
Bala Krishnan
Department of Endocrinology
Dr. ALM PG Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
University of Madras, Taramani Campus
Chennai-600 113, INDIA.
Research Interests:
Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Cancer, Angiogenesis, Apoptosis, Growth Factors and Disease, Nanoparticle Based Targeted Drug Delivery, Cell and Molecular Biology and Molecular Endocrinology
- Dr Bala has obtained his PhD in Biomedical Sciences - Endocrinology at Dr. A.L.M. Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, India.
- Currently he is working as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Faculty of Medicine) at Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel.
- His doctoral research work was on Effect of gold nanoparticles conjugated quercetin on EMT in breast cancer (in vitro and in vivo).
- He is a recipient of numerous awards including an International travel award by Growth Hormones Research Society (GRS) and Insulin like growth factors Society (IGFs) in Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Awarded National-Post Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) from Department of Science and Technology (DST) Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) 2017 in New Delhi, India (declined).
- Prof. N. J Chinoy award from International Conference on Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology (ICRBCE) & 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology (SRBCE), University of Hyderabad, India.
- Best Poster Award from Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS) in International conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials, GITAM University, India.
- Award from 33rd Annual Meeting of the SRBCE & International Conference on Bioactive Chemicals for Reproduction and Human Health (2015), Davangere University, Davangere, India.
- He earned a Master of Science in Biomedical sciences at Dr. A.L.M. Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, India, where he was received Dr.A.L.M Mudaliar Endowment Merit Scholarship in 2012.
- He earned a Bachelor of Science in Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology at Presidency College affiliated to University of Madras in 2010.
- S Balakrishnan, FA Bhat, P Raja Singh, S Mukherjee, P Elumalai, S Das, CR Patra, J Arunakaran. Gold nanoparticles conjugated quercetin inhibits epithelial mesenchymal transition, angiogenesis and invasiveness via EGFR/VEGFR-2 mediated breast cancer. Cell proliferation 2016, 49: 678-697.
- S Balakrishnan, S Mukherjee, S Das, FA Bhat, P Raja Singh, CR Patra, J Arunakaran. Gold nanoparticles conjugated quercetin induces apoptosis via inhibition of EGFR/PI3K/Akt mediated pathway in breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231), Cell Biochemistry and Function 2017.
- S Balakrishnan, Bhat FA, Sekaran S, Manikandan M, Priyanka B, Janaki G, Arunakaran J. Lactational exposure to di-2-ethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP) induces oxidative stress and causes Neurodegeneration in hippocampus of offspring Female albino rats. Int.J. Pharm Drug Anal, 2, 2014, (6) 541-552.
- S Balakrishnan, Firdous Ahmad Bhat J. Arunakaran. Application of gold nanoparticles in cancer, (2016) IGI Global publisher, USA (Book chapter)
- Firdous Ahmad Bhat, S Balakrishnan, J. Arunakaran. Application of nanotechnology in cancer, (2014) IGI Global publisher, USA. (Book chapter).
- AB Firdous, S Balakrishnan, P Rajasingh, J Arunakaran, Molecular Implications of different MicroRNAs in the Pathogenesis of Prostate Cancer, International Journal of Genetics & Cancer, 2015; 2(1&2)
- P Raja Singh, E Sugantha Priya, S Balakrishnan, R Arunkumar, G Sharmila, M Rajalakshmi, J Arunakaran. Nimbolide inhibits androgen independent prostate cancer cells survival and proliferation by modulating multiple pro-survival signaling pathways. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2016.
- P Raja Singh, E Sugantha Priya, S Balakrishnan, R Arunkumar, G Sharmila, M Rajalakshmi, J Arunakaran. Inhibition of cell survival and proliferation by nimbolide in human androgen independent prostate cancer (PC-3) cells: Involvement of the PI3K/Akt pathway. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2017, 427:69-79.
- Bhat FA, Sharmila G, S Balakrishnan, Arunkumar R, Elumalai P, Suganya S, Raja Singh P, Srinivasan N, Arunakaran J. Quercetin reverses EGF-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition and invasiveness in prostate cancer (PC-3) cell line via EGFR/PI3K/Akt pathway. J Nutr Biochem. 25, 2014, 1132-9.
- FA Bhat, G. Sharmila, S Balakrishnan, P. RajaSingh, S. Suganya, N. Srinivasan and J. Arunakaran. Quercetin, a natural dietary flavonoid, acts as a chemopreventive agent against prostate cancer in an in vivo model by inhibiting EGFR signaling pathway. Food Funct.,5, 2014, 2632-2645.
- FA Bhat, G. Sharmila, S Balakrishnan, P. Raja Singh, N. Srinivasan, J. Arunakaran. Epidermal growth factor-induced prostate cancer (PC3) cell survival and proliferation is inhibited by quercetin, a plant flavonoid through apoptotic machinery. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition. 4, 2014, 459–468.
- Elumalai P, Brindha Mercy A, Arunkamar R, Sharmila G, Bhat FA, S Balakrishnan , Raja Singh P, Arunakaran J. Nimbolide inhibits invasion and migration, and down-regulates uPAR chemokine gene expression, in two breast cancer cell lines. Cell Prolif. 47, 2014, 540-52.
- E. Sugantha Priya, T. Sathish Kumar, P. Raja Singh, S Balakrishnan, J. Arunakaran (2017). Impact of Lactational exposure to Polychlorinated biphenyl causes epigenetic modification and impairs Sertoli cells functional regulators in F 1 progeny. Reproductive Sciences, (In press)