Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
+6045622422, +60175904578, +18572850666
Jun Jie Tan
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Bertam 13200 Kepala Batas, Penang,
Research Interests:
Biomedical sciences Cardiac stem cell biology Organ Engineering and Regeneration Cardiovascular Science Regenerative Medicine
- 07/2003-B.Sc. Biomedical sciences Universiti Putra Malaysia-06/2007
- 10/2007-D.Phil. Cardiac stem cell biology University of Oxford, UK-05/2011
Postdoctoral Training:
- 03/2016 –Research fellow-Organ Engineering and Regeneration-Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, US-02/2018
Faculty Academic Appointments:
- 05/2011-University Lecturer- Cardiovascular Science -Universiti Sains Malaysia-12/2012.
- 12/2012-Senior Lecturer Regenerative Medicine- Universiti Sains Malaysia present.
- Leong, Y.Y., Ng, W.H., Ellison-Hughes, G.M., and Tan, J.J. (2017). Cardiac Stem Cells for Myocardial
- Regeneration: They Are Not Alone. Front Cardiovasc Med 4, 47.
- Lau, S.X., Leong, Y.Y., Ng, W.H., Ng, A.W.P., Ismail, I.S., Yusoff, N.M., Ramasamy, R., and Tan, J.J. (2017).
- Human mesenchymal stem cells promote CD34+ hematopoietic stem cell proliferation with preserved red bloodvcell differentiation capacity. Cell Biol Int 41, 697-704.
- Tan JJ (2017) Cord Blood with Low Cell Count: Re-Use, Rather than Discard. Single Cell Biol 6:167.
- Lau, S.X., Leong, Y.Y., Ng, W.H., Ng, A.W.P., Ismail, I.S., Yusoff, N.M., Ramasamy, R., and Tan, J.J. (2017).
- Human mesenchymal stem cells promote CD34+ hematopoietic stem cell proliferation with preserved red blood cell differentiation capacity. Cell Biol Int 41, 697-704.
- Subramani, B., Subbannagounder, S., Palanivel, S., Ramanathanpullai, C., Sivalingam, S., Yakub, A.,
- SadanandaRao, M., Seenichamy, A., Pandurangan, A.K., Tan, J.J., et al. (2016). Generation and characterization of human cardiac resident and non-resident mesenchymal stem cell. Cytotechnology 68, 2061-2073.
- Iliassa, II, Mohammad, W.M., Tan, J.J., and Ayob, Y. (2016). A retrospective review of cryoprecipitate transfusion practice in Kuala Lumpur Hospital. Asian J Transfus Sci 10, 145-149.