Naser Honarjoo
Islamic Azad University,
Isfahan Khorasgan Branch.
Research Interests:
Land Evaluation, Soil Genesis, Soil Salinity, Soil Pollution.
- Aghasi, B., A. Jalalian and N. Honarjoo, 2010. Decline in soil quality as a result of land use change in ghare aghaj watershed of semirom, Isfahan, Iran. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 6: 992-997.
- Ayoubi, S., P.M. Karchegani, M.R. Mosaddeghi and N. Honarjoo, 2012. Soil aggregation and organic carbon as affected by topography and land use change in western Iran. Soil Tillage Res., 121: 18-26.
- Foroughi, M., P. Najafi, A. Toghiani and N. Honarjoo, 2010. Analysis of pollution removal from wastewater by Ceratophyllum demersum. Afr. J. Biotechnol., Vol. 9. .
- Karchegani, P.M., S. Ayoubi, M.R. Mosaddeghi and N. Honarjoo, 2012. Soil organic carbon pools in particle-size fractions as affected by slope gradient and land use change in hilly regions, Western Iran. J. Mount. Sci., 9: 87-95.
- Karchegani, P.M., S. Ayoubi, S.G. Lu and N. Honarju, 2011. Use of magnetic measures to assess soil redistribution following deforestation in hilly region. J. Applied Geophys., 75: 227-236.
- Mojiri, A., A. Jalalian and N. Honarjoo, 2011. Effects of selected soil properties on growth of Haloxylon SP. in segzi plain (Iran). J. Anim. Plant Sci., 21: 686-691.
- Mojiri, A., A. Jalalian and N. Honarjoo, 2011. Comparision between keys to soil toxonomy and WRB in classification of soils in segzi plain (Iran). J. Applied Sci., 11: 579-583.