N.Poushkarov Institute of soil science, Agrotechnologies and plant protection.
Nikolai Dinev
Research Interests:
- Biochemical changes in species of tribe Triticeae depending of soil acidity.
- Dates (from – to)-2012-2018
- Name and address of employer-N.Poushkarov Institute of soil science, Agrotechnologies and plant protection
- Type of business or sector-Public organization in Agricultural Academy.
- Occupation or position held-Professor in soil chemistry
- Main activities and responsibilities-Deputy Director of ISSAPP.
Key qualification:
- Experience and practices in soil monitoring, investigations on the transfer of macro- and microelements in environment, evaluation of technogenic impact on soil-water-plant system.
- Expert works on the assessment and management of plant quality in natural and anthropogenic degraded soil; evaluation of processes in food chain as result from soil practices- cultivation and fertilization.
- Good skills and experience in soil studies, data processing and analysis. Experience in the field of bioavailability of trace elements and risk assessment, sanitary evaluation of components of environment, research works in team and in leading position. Professional skill in preparation of the general scheme of the soil ecological monitoring with experience in selection and evaluation of specific indicators and criteria of soil- water- plant, including monitoring equipment and software.
- Dinev, H and I. .. Mitova- 2009. Agri-environment monitoring and development of technology solutions for the heavy metal laden soils. I. selection of indicators. In: Soil Tillage and Ecology, International conference, Albena 2009, Proceedings (Ed. By.T.Mitova), ISBN 978-954-90671-7-0, p. 259-267. 2. Dinev, N. and R.Kancheva. 2009.
- Dinev, N. and R.Kancheva. 2009. Agri-environment monitoring and development of technology solutions for the heavy metal laden soils II. Plan on phytoremediation. In: Soil Tillage and Ecology, International conference, Albena 2009, Procedeengs (Ed. By.T.Mitova), ISBN 978-954-90671-7-0, p. 268-275.Dinev, N. and S.Rousseva. 2008. Monitoring of agroecosystem. An overview. SoilCritZone, Workshop 2, Sofia, 5-9 April 2008. (oral presentation).
- Dinev, N. and I.Nikova. 2008. Soil monitoring and phytostabilization trials of contaminated areas in Bulgaria. In: Phytotechnologies in practice – biomass production, agricultural methods, legacy, legal and economic aspects, INERIS, France,October 15-17, 2008, ISBN 978-2-85498-024-0.
- Dinev, N. and J.Japenga. 2004. Perspectives for practical application of phytoremediation. Focus on Bulgaria. NICOLE- Unlocking the barriers to the recovery of soil and the rehabilitation of contaminated land, 15-16 November 2004.(oral presentation).
- Dinev N., I. Mitova and V. Netcheva. 2006. Bio-indication of cadmium phytotoxicity of tomato plants depending on soil acidity, NCAS, Plant Science, 43:377-382
- Dinev, N. and A.Vassilev. 2006. Phytoremediation and sustainable use of metal contaminated soils in Bulgaria. Soil Remediation Technologies, Madrid, 20-21 November 2006. (oral presentation).
- Japenga, Jan, Luc Bonten, Rafal Kucharski, Ola Sas-Novosielska, Nikolai Dinev. 2005. Revegetation as a tool for risk containment of heavy metal polluted sites. 2005 Third International Phytotechnologies Conference. April 20-22, 2005 Atlanta,GA.
- Dinev, N. 2014. Ecological monitoring of contaminated soils in Bulgaria. In: International congress of phytoremediation of polluted soils. Book of abstracts, 29-30 July 2014, Vigo, Spain - summary p 106 (oral presentation).
- Nikova, I. and N.Dinev. 2014. GIS for remediation activities in contaminated soils. In: International congress of phytoremediation of polluted soils. Book of abstracts, 29-30 July 2014, Vigo, Spain - summary p 111.- poster presentation.
- Bacon, J. and N. Dinev. 2005. Isotopic characterisation of lead in contaminated soils from the vicinity of a non-ferrous metal smelter near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Environmental Pollution 134: 247–255. IF 3.395.