Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex,
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry,
Shuhama, SKUAST,
Kashmir- 190006.
09797108331, 01942456875
Mudasir Bashir Gugjoo
R/O: Narparistan,
New Fateh Kadal
Research Interests:
Plant Biotechnology, PCR, Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology, Plant Tissue Culture, Medicinal Plants, Plants, Chromatography, Plant, Biology, Acclimatization, Biotechnology, Vaccines, Marine Ecology, Medicinal Plants and Herbs, Marine Biotechnology, Marine Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Secondary Metabolite Production, Rooting.
PhD programme:
- Thesis title: Evaluation of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells and growth factors in collagen and laminin scaffolds for articular cartilage repair in rabbits.
- Isolation, culturing, characterization and differentiation of BM-MSCs and their invivo application in different lab animal models viz., Cartilage defects, bone defects and myocardial infarction.
- Application of BM-MSCs in different clinical conditions (chronic wounds, Hind quarter paresis/paralysis, etc).
- Thesis title: Determination of radiographic, electrographic, echocardiographic and haematobiochemical cardiac reference values in Labrador retrievers.
- Standardized the reference ranges of radiographic, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic and biochemical parameters for Labrador retriever. The reference ranges can be used for clinical evaluation of dogs suspected of cardiac diseases.
- Animal screening at the Referral Veterinary Polyclinics, IVRI, Izatnagar for cardiac diseases so that they are advised proper treatment at the earliest.