CIIMAR | Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Porto
(+351) 223 401 805
Ruth Pereira
Rua do Campo Alegre, s / n, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal www.fc.up.pt
Research Interests:
- Soil ecology and ecotoxicology,
- risk assessment of contaminated areas and
- new chemical substances.
- Ruth Pereira is PhD and Aggregate in Biology.
- She is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto and an integrated researcher at CIIMAR-UP, being the leader of the research group on Risk Assessment: Soil-Water Interactions.
- He was a member of the panel of scientific advisors in Risk Assessment of the European Commission and member of scientific panels of evaluation of national and international scholarships and projects and representative of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of FCUP in the European Alliance of Radioecology.
- Ruth Pereira coordinated / participated in several national and international research projects and was supervisor of several PhD and Masters students.
- She is the author of about 120 scientific articles published in ISI-WOS journals, books and chapters of national and international books.http://revistas.ua.pt/index.php/captar ).