Chickens are one of the most popular poultry animals in veterinary healthcare. Largely kept for their eggs and meat, chickens are prone to a range of health issues that can severely impact their productivity and welfare. Proactive management and preventative healthcare measures are, therefore, essential to ensure healthy chickens and maintain a profitable business. Common chicken health problems include respiratory issues, parasitic infections, and viral diseases such as avian influenza. The symptoms of these conditions can range from mild to severe and may include coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. Chickens may also suffer from digestive disorders, including diarrhea and constipation. Proper dietary management and sanitation practices can help reduce the incidence of these issues. Veterinary healthcare professionals also provide a range of diagnostic and treatment options for chicken diseases. Testing and screening for bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections can help identify and manage conditions early. Treatment protocols may include medications, vaccination, and environmental management practices. In addition to disease management, veterinarians are also instrumental in providing guidance on biosecurity measures for chicken farms. These include practices such as cleaning and disinfection protocols, isolation of sick chickens, and proper handling procedures. In summary, veterinary healthcare is critical for the health and welfare of chickens raised for meat or egg production. With proper preventive measures, early detection, and effective treatment protocols, producers can control and mitigate health challenges and improve the profitability of their business.