Diagarajen Carpanen
Centre for Blast Injuries Studies,
B304, Bessemer Building,
Department of Bioengineering,
Imperial College London,
South Kensington Campus,
London SW7 2AZ, UK.
Research Interests:
Human body,protective and experimental equipment design and evaluation
- Dilen is a research associate with the Royal British Legion Centre for Blast Injuries Studies at Imperial College London.
- He received his first degree in Mechatronics Engineering in 2009 and has a PhD in Computational Biomechanics (Gold Medal for best research).
- Dilen's interests lie mainly in the behaviour of human joints and in the design of bespoke equipment.
- The engineering tools he uses are primarily finite element analysis (FEA) and design (CAD).
- During his PhD, Dilen taught FEA and CAD at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, earning him a teaching certification.
- His current role is to support the numerous modelling and experimental projects within the centre; these projects include models of the human body (lower extremity, spine, pelvis), and protective and experimental equipment design and evaluation (blast mats, combat boot, surrogates, traumatic injury simulators).