Saad Alsaadi
PO Box 40035
Khobar, 31952. Saudi Arabia
Research Interests:
- Sleep and pain
- Sleep assessment
- low back pain
- Alsaadi S, McAuley J, Hush J, Maher C (2012) Erratum to: Prevalence of sleep disturbance in patients with low back pain. European Spine Journal 21:554-60.
- Saad M Alsaadi, James H McAuley, Julia M Hush, Delwyn J Bartlett, Nicholas Henschke, Ronald R Grunstein, Chris G Maher (2013) Detecting insomnia in patients with low back pain: accuracy of four self-report sleep measures. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 14 (1): 196.
- Saad M Alsaadi, James H McAuley, Julia M Hush, Serigne Lo, Delwyn J Bartlett, Ronald R Grunstein, Chris G Maher. The Bidirectional Relationship between Pain Intensity and Sleep Disturbance/Quality in Patients with Low Back Pain. Ahead of print by The Clinical Journal of Pain.
- Saad M Alsaadi, James H McAuley, Julia M Hush, Serigne Lo, Chung-Wei Christine Lin, Christopher M Williams, Christopher G Maher. Poor sleep quality is strongly associated with subsequent pain intensity for patients with acute low back pain. Ahead of print by Arthritis and Rheumatology.
- Alsaadi SM, McAuley JH, Hush JM, Bartlett DJ, McKeough ZM, Grunstein RR, Dungan GC, Maher CG. Assessing Sleep Disturbance in Low Back Pain: The Validity of Portable Instruments. Ahead of print by PLOS ONE