Roberta Davoli
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences,
University of Bologna,
Viale Giuseppe Fanin,
Research Interests:
- Animal genomics
- Pig meat quality
- Milk production
- Muscle gene expression
- Structural and functional genomics
- DNA markers
- Skeletal muscle development
- Genetic improvement
- Roberta Davoli has a consolidated experience on genomics applied to farm animals and has developed a prevalent activity in the field of animal production mainly in porcine and bovine specie.
- In bovine specie the research activity considered both the analysis of polymorphisms of genes coding for milk proteins with regards to productive traits and the study of the bovine genome in order to identify QTLs for milk production and quality.
- Roberta Davoli has carried out many researches on pig genomics too with the main aim to found and to analyse the genetic factors influencing meat quality and production traits.
- These researches were directed toward the isolation of genes expressed in skeletal muscle and fat tissues in pigs, their sequencing and mapping of several porcine genes, the detection of mutations and the association studies between polymorphisms found in candidate genes and production traits in heavy pigs.
- The studies on candidate genes were aimed to find genetic variants responsible of qualitative characteristics of carcass and meat.
- Roberta Davoli is presently Full Professor of Genetic improvement of farm animals at the first degree Course of Animal Production and Survey of wild specie of Agrarian Faculty at Bologna University.
- At the same Faculty she is teacher of "Methods of estimation of reproductive value of farm animals" and of "Biotechnology applied to genetic improvement of farm animals".
- Prof. Roberta Davoli is responsible for the teaching course "Metodologies of molecular genetics to improve animal products" (3CFU) at master degree course Interfaculty " Safety and quality of the animal products" at the Veterinaty Faculty of Bologna University.
- Since the year 1993 she has partecipated to several Commissions of evaluation in concourses and competitive exams to Scientific Researcher and Associate Porfessor and to Commission for the confirmation to the role of Researcher and Associate Professor in Agriculture and Veterinary Faculty of different italian Universities.