Krzysztof Krysta
Ziolowa 45/47,
40-635 Katowice,
Research Interests:
Schizophrenia, Dual diagnosis, Cognitive functions, Neuropsychopharmacology
- 1994-2003- Center for Mental Health and Addiction Therapy, TC "Familia", Gliwice, Poland.
- 2003-2012- Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
- Federation of Therapeutic Communities of Central and Eastern Europe, Polish Psychiatric Association, EPA
- Problems associated with the use of social networks - A pilot study.
- Zaburzenie obsesyjno-kompulsyjne po pląsawicy Sydenhama Obsessive-compulsive disorder following the Sydenham chorea.
- Relationship between the level of hormones and cognitive abilities of male schizophrenia patients – preliminary results.
- Evaluation of the level of depression among medical students from Poland, Portugal and Germany.
- Empathy among physicians, medical students and candidates.
- Lucid Dreaming: a Mysterious Phenomenon.
- General level of knowledge about Brief Solution Focused Therapy (BSFT) in Polish addiction treatment centers.
- Association of early drinking onset with subsequent alcohol abuse.
- Sex-specific differences in cognitive functioning among schizophrenic patients.
- MR findings in neurosyphilis - A literature review with a focus on a practical approach to neuroimaging.