Assoc. Prof. Dr. B.A. Almayahi,College of Science,
Department of Environment,
University of Kufa, Box 21,
Kufa, Najaf Governorate,
Basim Almayahi
College of Science,
Department of Environment,
University of Kufa, Box 21,
Kufa, Najaf,
Research Interests:
- Natural Radioactivity of Environmental.
- Nanotechnology and Nanoparticles.
- Statistical Physics and Environmental Statistics.
- Radiotherapy by nanoparticles.
- Mathematical Statistics and Probability.
- Radiation Protection.
- Gamma Ray, Radon, and Alpha Particles in (Tissue, blood, teeth, bones, soil, water, air, food, fertilizer, building materials).
Working Experience:
- Lecturer at Babylon University, College of Science, Department of Physics in Nuclear Lab. and Courses: Health Physics, 2001-2004.
- Lecturer at Qadesiyh University, College of Education in Computer Lab., 2004-2005.
- A teacher at Kufa University, College of Science, Department of Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Lab., 2005-2008.
- A teacher at Kufa University, College of Science, and Department of Environment (Lecturers: Biophysics, General Physics, and Computer 2008-2013.
- Head of Environment Department at Kufa University, College of Science, Department of Environment, 2009-2010.
- A researcher at Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Research Unit 2013- up to date.
- Lecturer at Kufa University, College of Science, Department of Environment (Radiation protection, Radiotherapy, Biophysics, General Physics, and Computer science, 2013 up to date).