Giuliana Lucci
Via Plinio 44, Rome
Research Interests:
- Her research primarily involves examining the psychophysiological correlates (ERPs) of several cognitive functions.
- The focus of this research has been directed at both motor preparation and inhibition, in healthy and clinical populations.
- Most recently, her specific interest has involved examining the role of interoception and emotion in inner body representation in healthy (both young and elder individuals) and clinical populations (health anxious people, spinal cord injury individuals, etc.)
- Dr. Lucci is Professor of Neuropsychology at Marconi University of Rome.
- Dr. Lucci was trained at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", first gaining her Master's Degree from the Psychology Faculty, subsequently undertaking her residency training in Neuropsychology and getting a Ph.D in Psychology and Psychophisiology of Perception.
- Dr. Lucci clinical work deals chiefly with the diagnosis and treatment of adults suffering with cognitive diseases, providing expert diagnostic assessment, while her experimental work deals with psychophysiological correlates (ERPs) of motor planning and inhibition, emotion and interocpetion.
- As an educator, Dr. Lucci has developed numerous training programs for both students and clinicians in a variety of areas including: Psychiatry, Psychopathology, Neuropsychology, Psychobiology.