Harsh Kavi
United States.
Research Interests:
- Histone modifications
- Chromatin
- Epigenetics
- transcription
- RNA interference
- I am currently engaged in research at the Albert Einstein College of medicine in New York ,USA.
- I have more than 10 years of experience in the field of chromatin biology and epigenetics. I have about 10 publications in eminent journals such as Science.
- During my doctoral thesis at the University of Missouri, I studied the role of RNA interference machinery and RNA polymerase II in Drosophila heterochromatin formation.
- This paper laid the foundation for similar finding in plants and worms.
- Recently, I am studying the role of linker histone H1 in flies. We published our findings in Science demonstrating the role of H1 in transposon regulation in flies. In addition, I am studying the role of different domains and post-translational modification of H1 in fly gene expression and development.
- In addition to research I have peer reviewed manuscripts submitted to prestigious journals such as Cell research (Nature publishing group), Genetics, BMC plant biology and African Journal of Biotechnology.
- I have written 2 book chapters and written several review articles.
- I have presented my findings at the prestigious Gordon research Conference in USA.
- I am well versed with latest molecular biology techniques and have in-depth understanding of the basic principles involved in the current techniques used to study gene regulation such as ChIP-seq and RNA-seq.
- I am confident that given my expertise and experience I will enrich the editorial quality of your esteemed journal.