Korea, Democratic People's Rep
National Primate Research Center (NPRC), KRIBB, Senior Researcher
82 43 240 6327
Jae-Won Huh
Research Interests:
1. Comparative gene analysis between human and chimpanzee
2. Gene domestication mechanism of retroelements (LINEs, SINEs, HERVs) during the primate evolution
3. Evolutionary conservation of LTR-derived promoter elements.
4. Relationship between the primate evolution and retroelements.
5. Evolutionary mechanism of trans-splicing, gene duplication, gene conversion.
6. Molecular characterization of novel PERV elements in Korean domestic pig.
7. Cancer marker development using Bioinformatic tools.
8. Promoter activity of newly identified PERV LTR elements.
9. Population diversity related with HERV-K polymorphism.
10. Epigenetic effect and tissue specific expression.
11. Gene diversification mechanism of primate genes.
12. Comparative analysis of human, chimpanzee, orangutan, and rhesus monkey.
Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation:
The 19th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (Seoul, South Korea) Title: Evolutionary impact of HERV-H element in human genome (2007)
2. Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation: International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Microbiological Societies (Seoul, South Korea) Title: Genomic Wide Screening and Molecular Characterization of Actively Transcribed PERV LTR Elements (2007)
3. 2006 Best Young Scientist Award : BK21 Research Group for Marine and silver biotechnology.
4. Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation: The 18th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (Seoul, South Korea) Title: Acquired Role of ERV element for Host genome (2006)
5. Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation: The 18th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (Seoul, South Korea) Title: In Silico Analysis of Transposable Elements Expression in Human Cancer (2006)
6. Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation: The 61th Annual Meeting of the Korean Association of Biological Sciences (Seoul, South Korea) Title: Remodeling Hypothesis of ERV Elements for Host Genome (2006)
7. The Academic Award for Graduate students (doctor's course), Pusan National University, Jun 5, (2006)
8. Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation: The 46th Symposium of Korean Society of Life Science (Changwon, South Korea) Title: Transcriptional control of HERV-H LTR element of GSDML gene in human tissues and cancer cells (2006)
9. A letter of Appreciation: The 20th Annual Meeting of the Korean Association for Laboratory Animal Science (Chungbuk, South Korea) Title: Detection of hybrid HERV elements in primate genome (2004)
10. The Academic Award for Graduate students (master’s course), Pusan National University, Nov 19, (2003)
11. Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation: The 58th Annual Meeting of the Korean Association of Biological Sciences (Daejon, South Korea) Title: New finding of hybrid human endogenous retroviral HERV-9/IP10FH elements and reexamination of hybrid HERV-H/E elements (2003)