Choroidal Melanoma

Choroidal melanoma belongs to the family of ocular melanomas, tumors that affect the pigmented layer of the eye. It arises from the choroid, which is a layer of blood vessels that provide nutrition to the retina, and is mostly diagnosed in elderly patients. The most common clinical manifestations of choroidal melanoma are visual symptoms, such as blurring or distortion of vision, floaters, or light flashes. The diagnosis of choroidal melanoma may involve a comprehensive ophthalmic examination, including imaging tests, such as ocular ultrasound, fluorescein angiography, and optical coherence tomography. The treatment of choroidal melanoma varies depending on the tumor's size, location, and patient's condition. Small melanomas may be observed closely, while larger tumors may require radiation therapy, laser photocoagulation, or surgical intervention, such as enucleation or choroidal melanoma resection. The prognosis of choroidal melanoma can be challenging to predict, with factors such as tumor size, location, and genetic alterations affecting the likelihood of tumor growth and metastasis. Patients with choroidal melanoma are generally followed up closely for signs of recurrence or new primary tumors, and systemic screening for metastasis is recommended. Overall, choroidal melanoma is a rare but potentially serious ocular tumor that requires prompt diagnosis and tailored management to preserve vision and prevent systemic spread.

From: Journal of Ophthalmic Science

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