Mahendra Bishnoi
Scientist-C and Group leader
Department of Nutritional Sciences
National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute(NABI)
C-127, Industrial area-Phase VIII SAS Nagar, Punjab
India 160071
Research Interests:
Obesity prevention, diet intervention and life style disorders, ion channel research.
- Dr. Mahendra Bishnoi completed his postgraduate and doctoral programme from University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University in pharmacology.
- He was honored with University Gold Medal for his academic excellence during post graduation.
- Under the mentorship of Professors S. K. Kulkarni and Kanwaljit Chopra, he developed expertise in the area of Neuropsychopharmacology.
- In his PhD research work, he was working on the neurochemical and neurobiological basis of Tardive Dyskinesia; side effect associated to chronic administration of classical neuroleptics.
- After completing his PhD he did couple of post doctoral training at laboratories of Dr. Adrian Bruijnzeel (Nicotine Addiction research laboratory) at McKnight Brain Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA and Dr. Louis S. Premkumar (Ion channels and disease research laboratory) Department of Pharmacology, Southern Illinois University- School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois, USA.
- In December 2011, Dr. Bishnoi joined as Scientist, Nutritional Sciences and Technology, National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, an autonomous institute governed by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India.
- In the short span of time, he is able to develop a group of young researchers dedicated to metabolic disorders (diabetes and obesity) research.
- His research focuses on to understand the nutrigenomics mechanisms of dietary constituents induced modulation of adipogenesis and obesity.
- The importance of this research area, his ability to develop a focused research project and his commitment to this area of research is evident by the fact that he has been sanctioned several extramural grants from Department of Biotechnology and Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- His scientific work is well recognized in the form of more than 55 research publications in peer reviewed and high impact factor scientific journals which have more than 1000 citations.
- Dr. Bishnoi has also participated and presented his research in various other national and international conferences.
- Dr. Bishnoi is a recipient of numerous honors and fellowships such as Jewel of India award (2014), Melvin Yahr award (2009), IBRO travel award (2006, 2007), IBRO-APRC fellowship (2007).