Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen is one of the essential elements that living things need. In order to be a part of living cells, nitrogen has to be converted into a usable form, and that's where the nitrogen cycle comes in. The nitrogen cycle starts in the atmosphere, where nitrogen gas makes up about 78% of the air we breathe. Nitrogen gas can't be used by most living things, however, so it has to be converted into a usable form called ammonia. This process is called nitrogen fixation and is carried out by certain bacteria, either in the soil or in plant roots. Once ammonia is produced, it can be taken up by plants and used to create amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. When animals eat these plants, they take in these amino acids and incorporate them into their own proteins. When these plant or animal proteins are broken down during digestion or decomposition, the nitrogen returns to the soil or water in the form of ammonium. This ammonium can be further converted into nitrates by other types of bacteria, which can be taken up by plants once again. This creates a cycle of nitrogen being passed between the atmosphere, soil, and living organisms. However, there can be problems with the nitrogen cycle as well. Human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and the use of nitrogen fertilizers can lead to an excess of nitrogen in the environment, resulting in harmful effects such as eutrophication and acid rain. Therefore, while the nitrogen cycle is essential for life on Earth, it's also important to understand how human activities can disrupt and affect it.

From: Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

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