Short-term Memory

Short-term memory is a crucial process in the human brain that enables us to retain information for a short period of time. This cognitive function plays a vital role in our daily lives, allowing us to remember phone numbers, directions, or names. However, short-term memory is highly susceptible to information loss or forgetting, making it a key area of interest in neurological research and therapy. Short-term memory is believed to be a result of the activation of different areas of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and the auditory and visual cortex. When we are exposed to new information, it is first processed through the sensory organs before being transferred to the working memory system. The working memory system is where Short-term memory occurs. This area of the brain is responsible for retaining the information for a short period, usually ranging from a few seconds to a minute, before either being forgotten or passed on to the long-term memory system. Deficits in short-term memory can lead to difficulties in learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. For example, individuals who experience short-term memory loss may struggle to recall important information necessary for completing a task or understanding instructions. However, neuroscientific and therapeutic interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy or brain training activities can help to enhance the capacity of short-term memory in individuals with learning difficulties, neurological diseases, or injuries. In conclusion, short-term memory is an important cognitive function in the brain that affects our daily lives. Scientific research and therapeutic interventions continue to explore new ways of improving this cognitive function to benefit individuals with cognitive impairments.

From: Journal of Neurological Research And Therapy

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