Russian Federation
Associate Professor at Russian Transport University (MIIT)
(495) 6842206
Andrey Zaytsev
Russia, Moscow, 127994, Obraztsov str, 9, stroenie 9
Research Interests:
- Model-Based Design,
- physical modelling,
- Plant modeling,
- slope stability railway engineering
- Revised MeTHuVA method for assessment of tsunami human vulnerability of Bakirkoy district, Istanbul
- Inter-Model Analysis of Tsunami-Induced Coastal Currents
- A new GIS-based tsunami risk evaluation: MeTHuVA (METU tsunami human vulnerability assessment) at Yenikapı, Istanbul
- Assessment of tsunami resilience of Haydarpaşa Port in the Sea of Marmara by high-resolution numerical modeling
- Effects of Harbor Shape on the Induced Sedimentation; L-Type Basin
- Performance Assessment of NAMI DANCE in Tsunami Evolution and Currents Using a Benchmark Problem
- The depth effect of earthquakes on tsunami heights in the Sea of Okhotsk