Author Contributions
Copyright © 2018 Cecilia Young, et al.

Competing interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Maxillofacial trauma, the hard and/or soft trauma to the maxillofacial region, may involve fracture of dental tissue, the mandible 1, 2, 3, 4 zygomatic bone 1, 2, 3, 4 maxilla 1, 2, 3, 4 nasal 1, 2 and frontal bone 1, 2, 3 There may also be concomitant abrasion 5, 6, 7 laceration 5, 6, 7, 8 or contusion of soft tissues 5, 6, 7. It is often a painful experience in body and soul, given that it could easily be a life and death experience from sports 1, 9 falls 1, 5, 9, 10 physical contact 1 violence 10 to road traffic accidents 1, 5.
Treatment for maxillofacial trauma may vary from simple observation 11 to splinting 2, 9 wiring 2, 9, 11 extractions 9, or open 8, 9, 11 closed reduction 8, 11 with/ without internal fixation with bone plates 8, 9, 11. Each stage of management from the initial presentation, treatment and rehabilitation and recovery and follow-up may all post severe blows to the already traumatized patient. Such patients may be faced not only with aesthetic 20 but also functional issues 16, 20.
Single or multiple surgical interventions may be necessary. Eventual healing and rehabilitation could feel forlorn with uncertain outcome. On top of all these, other boggling issues include financial ability 13 social aspect 12 employment issues 12, 13 and underlying medical issues 13 etc. A lot of such trauma patients tend to be associated with increased social anxiety and avoidance 14, 15 depression 14, 15 low self-concept 12, 16 problems with relationships 12 and difficulties withemployment 15. All these does appear to negatively impact on the quality of life of such patients 16, 17, 18.
Often, cultural acceptance 12 and social support 17 plays an important role in the psychological wellbeing of such patients 12, 19. Consequently, it is not difficult to imagine that patients suffering from maxillofacial trauma could have adjustment and adaptation issues stemming from both the trauma and treatment for the trauma 13. Some such patients may have to come to terms with change in appearance 12, 18 aesthetics 12 and functional issues 13, 14, 16 that may correlate more to the subjective severity of either the surgical operation or outcome 14, 15, 19, 20.
It had been reported that the degree of anxiety in patients was directly proportional to the magnitude of injury and the resulting scar 18. There has been technological advances to avoid scars 2, 11. On the other hand, it has been reported that approximately 20% - 40% of patients suffering from maxillofacial trauma may still develop post-traumatic stress disorder 13, 14, 15, 20. Islam et al’s study 20 has shown a nine-fold increase in the risk of depression (odds ratio of 9.02) and a two-fold increase in anxiety disorder (odds ratio or 2.68) in participants with facial trauma. Similar results were obtained in Gandjalikhan-Nassab et al’s 2016 study 18.
One resulting concern for the healthcare team is that psychological stress of patients may potentially complicate recovery and adversely affect patient compliance 20. As such, assessment and provision of psycho-emotional support to patients suffering from maxillofacial trauma, an area less studied, has been gaining interest and importance and protocols put forward 12, 13, 18, 19.
- 1.Estrela C, Scartezini G R, Guedes O A, AHG de Alencar, CR de Araujo Estrela. (2016) Maxillofacial trauma in a public hospital in Central Brazil: A retrospective study of 405 patients. , Journal of Dental Science 31(4), 153-157.
- 2.Ahmed A, Ahmed W, SGA Bukhari, Janjua O S, Luqman U et al. (2012) The maxillofacial trauma management trends at Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry,Rawalpindi. Pakistan Oral and Dental. , Journal 32(2), 191-195.
- 3.Ruslin M, Wolff J, Boffano P, Brand H S, Forouzanfar T. (2015) Dental trauma in association with maxillofacial fractures: an epidemiological study. Dental Traumatology. 31, 318-323.
- 4.Shaikh M I, Rajput F, Khatoon S, Usman G. (2014) Etiology and incidence of maxillofacial skeletal injuries at tertiary care hospital,Larkana,Pakistan.Pakistan Oral &. , Dent J 34(2), 239-241.
- 5.SJS Bajwa, Kaur J, Singh A, Kapoor V, Bindra G S et al. (2012) Clinical and critical care concerns of cranio-facial trauma: A retrospective study in a tertiary care institute. , National J Maxillofac Surg 3(2), 133-138.
- 6.Channar K A, Memon A B, Shaikh I A, Punjabi S K, Shumaila. (2016) Pattern and causes of maxillofacial trauma among senior citizens. Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal. 36(3), 372-374.
- 7.Ferreira M C, Batista A M, F O, Ramos-Jorge M L, Marques L S. (2014) Pattern of oral-maxillofacial trauma stemming from interpersonal physical violence and determinant factors. Dental Traumatology. 30, 15-21.
- 8.Jung T K, De Silva HL, Konthasingha P P, Tong D C. (2015) Trends in paediatric maxillofacial trauma presenting to Dunedin Hospital,2006to2012. New Zealand Dent. , J 111(2), 76-79.
- 9.Grover D, Aggarwal A, Sharma P. (2011) Pediatric maxillofacial trauma. , Indian J Stomatol 2(2), 80-85.
- 10.Al-Qamachi L H, Laverick S, Jones D C. (2012) A clinico-demographic analysis of maxillofacial trauma in the elderly. , Gerodontology 29, 147-149.
- 11.Ul Haq E, Liaquat A, Aftab A, Mehmood H S. (2014) Etiology, pattern and management of maxillofacial fractures in patients seen at Mayo Hospital, Lahore – Pakistan. Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal. 34(3), 417-421.
- 12.Bradbury E. (2012) Meeting the psychological needs of patients with facial disfigurement. , British J of Oral and Maxillofac Surg 50, 193-196.
- 13.A De Sousa. (2008) Psychological issues in oral and maxillofacial reconstructive surgery. , British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 46, 661-664.
- 14.Islam S, Cole J L, Walton G M, Dinan T G, Hoffman G R. (2012) Psychiatric outcomes in operatively compared with non-operatively managed patients with facial trauma: Is there a difference? J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 46, 399-403.
- 15.Islam S, Ahmed M, Walton G, Dinan T G, Hoffman G R. (2012) The prevalence of psychological distress in a sample of facial trauma victims. A comparative cross-sectional study between UK and Australia. J Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surg. 40, 82-85.
- 16.Ukpong E I, Ugboko Ndukwe KC, Gbolahan O O. (2008) Health-related quality of life in Nigerian patients with facial trauma and controls: a preliminary survey. , British J Oral Maxillofac Surg 46, 297-300.
- 17.Arhakis A, Athanasiadou E, Vlachou C. (2017) Social and psychological aspects of dental trauma, behavior management of young patients who have suffered dental trauma. The Open Dentistry Journal. 11, 41-47.
- 18.S-A-H Gandjalikhan-Nassab, Samieirad S, Vakil-Zadeh M, Habib-Aghahi R, Alsadat-Hashemipour M. (2016) Depression and anxiety disorders in a sample of facial trauma: A study from Iran. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 21(4), 477-482.