Journal of Clinical Case reports and Images

Journal of Clinical Case reports and Images

Journal of Clinical Case reports and Images

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

Submit Manuscript

Instructions For Author

Papers may come from any country but must be written in Standard English


Types of Publications:

Journal of Clinical Case reports and Images 2641-5518 supports online publication of original research papers, reviews, letters, editorials, case reports, case images, clinical trials, rapid communication, commentaries, thesis, literature review, opinions, mini-reviews, book reviews, perspectives, conference proceedings, and short communications, etc.


Manuscript Submission:
To submit your manuscript, please click here or email an attachment to [email protected] to editorial office.

Within 72 hours, an email with a manuscript acknowledgment number will be sent to the corresponding author.
To submit the manuscript, adhere to the detailed instructions given by the advanced online editing manager (Manuscript Zone).


First-time registration:
First-time users must register before they may log in. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided during registration. By selecting the author option from the menu at the top of the page and entering the information from the email, you can log in to the system. According to the guidelines provided by the online editing manager, submit your paper. By using the same system and the same information, you may monitor the development of your manuscript. The registration confirmation email must be kept safe.

Returning Authors:

You can use this account to submit new manuscripts. If you are having trouble remembering your password, you can reset it by using the forgot password feature. If you need help with your ID, please email  [email protected]

Please get in touch with the journal offices at [email protected] if you have any questions about online submissions or have trouble submitting your paper.

Please see the peer review page for details on how your manuscripts will be handled.

General Information:

  • The study should not have been previously published and should provide the findings of original scientific research.
  • Experiments, statistics, and other analyses must be thoroughly explained and to the highest technical standards.
  • Conclusions are to be presented in an appropriate fashion without any ambiguity along with the supported data.
  • The Embargo period is the time between the article's submission and publishing (it is limited). Abstracts may be published in conference proceedings, but copies of manuscripts, or tables and figures from papers, that are under embargo should not be distributed.
  • Plagiarism is considered unethical and misconduct.

Note: Include a cover letter (Max 500 words), with the submission form. Do not submit a cover letter as a separate file.


Organizing manuscript:

Title of the article:
There shouldn't be more than 30 words in it. Abbreviations are not permitted. The title's applicability to the submitted work is crucial.

Contact information:
Authors must include complete information, including full name, address, phone number, email address, fax, discipline of the author, and affiliations. It must be made clear which author is the corresponding one. His address will be used for correspondence both before and after the manuscript is published. The sequencing and priority should be such that the first author is acknowledged first.

Running title:
Will be at the top of each printed page and cannot exceed 60 characters and spaces.

The use of keywords (5–12 words) is required. Selecting relevant keywords gives you a citation edge because they are crucial for searching across large indexing databases.

The abstract should be well-written and easily understandable to the Journal's general readership and should not exceed 250 words, including citations. It should give a succinct overview of the study's goals, approach, important findings, and conclusions. Without subheadings, it ought to be written in full sentences.

The Introduction should quickly state the study's aims and include enough background information to explain why the study was conducted and what hypotheses were evaluated which is of 500 words maximum, including citations.

Experimental procedure:
Brief but sufficiently complete information to permit a qualified reader to repeat the experiments reported. Only truly new procedures should be described in detail. Cite previously published procedures in references. Modifications of previously published procedures are not to be given in detail except when necessary to repeat the work.


Materials and Methods:
The materials and methods section should be brief but sufficient enough to allow other investigators to repeat the research. References should be given for the published procedures wherever possible; this applies to the original description and existing published modifications. The gender of subjects should be stated. All companies from which materials were obtained should be listed. If materials were obtained from an individual, an affiliation for that individual should be listed. A manuscript that presents only a theory can omit the Materials and Methods section.


This section should present clearly but precisely the experimental findings. Only results essential to establish the actual point of the work should be included. Numerical data should be analyzed using appropriate statistical tests.

The discussion section (1500 words maximum, including citations) should be as concise as possible and should include a brief statement of the principal findings, a discussion of the validity of the observations, a discussion of the findings in light of other published work dealing with the same or closely related subjects, and a statement of the possible significance of the work. Speculations may be included.

This section gives a precise and summarizing statement of the results and, if relevant, the prospects for application of the results in the various political, social and technical arenas are assessed. The section should begin with a clear statement of the principal findings. The implications of your findings should be discussed within a realistic framework.

Acknowledgments should be used to identify all funding sources. Acknowledgments may also be used to note intellectual, technical, or other assistance that does not warrant authorship. Individuals should be informed before the publication of any such acknowledgments and given the opportunity to decline the recognition. Promotional statements are not permitted.

Conflict of interest:
Authors should disclose in a cover letter sent to the editor any associations that represent a potential conflict of interest. These include a current or pending relationship as a consultant for the company supporting the research or manufacturing products being tested, a financial or managerial interest in such a company, or intellectual property rights that might be affected by publication of the results of the research reported in a manuscript. Upon receipt of this information, an editor may require that a footnote disclosing the potential conflict be added to the manuscript.

Authors affiliations should be their home institutions at the time when their primary contribution to the research was made. If an author's current affiliation differs, the current affiliation may be listed in the Acknowledgements.


References are to be cited in the text by number and not by author and date. They are to be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance. References for journals and books should be in the following styles:

Sariah A, Rugemalila J, Somba M, Minja M, Makuchilo M et al. (2016) Experiences with disclosure of HIV-positive status to the infected child”: Perspectives of healthcare providers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-3749-7.BMC Public Health.16(1),996-1083.


Périé S, Fessi H, Tassart M.(2005)Usefulness of combination of high-resolution ultrasonography and dual-phase dual-isotope iodine 123/technetium Tc 99m sestamibi scintigraphy for the preoperative localization of hyperplastic parathyroid glands in renal hyperparathyroidism.45(2), 344-352.


Please list the first five authors and then add "et al." if there are additional authors.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. 
Cite similar publications or partial disclosure

Footnotes are used to cite manuscripts in preparation, unpublished observations, and personal communications. Authors are responsible for obtaining written approval for all personal communications and sending a copy of the manuscript to those cited. The Editor may request proof of such approval.

Abbreviations used in the text must be defined in a single footnote immediately after the first abbreviation is cited.


The number of tables used to present data essential to illustrate or prove a point should be kept to a minimum. Very complex or large tables should be submitted as figures. A legend and title are to be provided for each table. Tables are to be placed at the end of the manuscript and each on a separate page. Legends should be at the end of the table.


Figures are to be placed at the end of the manuscript and each on a separate page. Figures should have titles and legends containing sufficient detail to make the figure easily understood. Legends should be right below the figure. Authors are responsible for providing digital art that has been properly sized and cropped. Appropriately sized numbers, letters, and symbols used should be no smaller than 2 mm even after reduction. All figures should be created with applications that are capable of preparing high-resolution files acceptable for publication. Although you will initially submit figures with the text in a single word file, we will require submission of figures as separate files at publication-quality resolution for online publication if your paper is accepted.


Human subjects: Obtain the consent from all involved in study only after disclosing the possible outcome or any other situations, regarding the result of the failure of the experiment also. Privacy and strict confidentiality are to be maintained whenever necessary. Do not influence the population or individuals by greatly rewarding them for the manipulation purpose. Animal subjects: Laboratory animals are to be treated according to the rules and are to be handled with care. Precautionary measures undertaken while performing the experiment are to be mentioned. Otherwise, it will be treated as a violation of the law. No scientific fraud and false research will be entertained. Serious action will be taken regarding the (fraudulent) scientific misconduct. Copyright violations are also considered unethical.


Supplemental data:
Manuscripts must be complete, stand-alone, and NOT dependent on supplemental data. Supplemental data will be reviewed as a part of the normal manuscript review process and will be judged by the same rigorous criteria to be important but not essential to the stand-alone manuscript. Only data that are deemed appropriate for the online journal and substantially contribute to the manuscript will be accepted. Supplemental data submitted after the paper has been accepted will not be published.



We are licensed under CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE. This Copyright allows you to copy and distribute your work provided you implement citation of the author for his credit appropriately.


Open Access pub charges for the authors:

Even though we are dependent on the payments from the author publication charges to provide subscription-free journals, we tend to charge only the appropriate amount.

Please note that the charges will be levied only for the accepted manuscripts. There are no submission charges.

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences