Author Contributions
Copyright © 2013 Suofu Qin

Competing interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
The First Issue of JAPST
In last decades, technology has moved forward exponentially, which results in tons of scientific papers that in turn lead to develop new techniques, thereby leading to tons of more new publications, a virtuous circle during the exploration of human body. An obstacle in today’s science is that articles published in hard copy journals can be in the process of review and publication for one year, holding critical results back from the scientific community, and many online journals are blocked access for those researchers in poorer countries and universities due to substantial amount of money charged for viewing full-text articles. All of these significantly slow down dissemination of novel findings that cause needless duplication and resources wasted. For this reason, creating the infrastructure for the rapid exchange of peer-reviewed information appears to be well aligned with requirements of the science and technology progress in modern era. The online Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (JAPST), launched by the Open Access Pub (, constitute one of currently available venues. All researchers in the world can access to JAPST at any time with just a click of mouse.
JAPST aims to cover the latest outstanding developments in basic and translational research, ensuring its scientific priority and significance in the field of pharmaceutical science and technology. Papers that address new or emerging areas of pharmaceutical science and technology are particularly encouraged. Furthermore, JAPST will provide a unique venue to bring together a diverse scope of innovative studies, offering both scientists and clinicians the opportunity to learn the latest advancements in areas other than their own. JAPST also intends to illustrate the significance of interdisciplinary interactions by bringing into focus the applied research, facilitating transition of bench findings to bedside medicine. The development of new pharmaceuticals and novel methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease would not be possible without significant advancements in pharmaceutical science and technology.
The Journal’s Editorial board members will ensure the highest quality of the manuscripts accepted for publication through a rigorous peer-review process, provided by the editors and a panel of strictly chosen experts in the field. Through joint efforts from the editorial team and each contributing author, JAPST will become a key tool for further advances in the field. Additionally, the open access will provide JAPST considerable advantages over conventional journals in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and technologies with greater visibility and impact. The greater visibility and higher citation will in turn attract more high quality submissions to the Journal from researchers in the field. With those in mind, I am delighted to announce the publication of the inaugural issue of the international, peer-reviewed, open access JAPST on behalf of the Editorial Board. We are foreseeing a great success of the Journal in the near future.