Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (IAMC) of Messina, Italian National Research Council.
Simone Cappello
Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (IAMC) of Messina, Italian National Research Council.
Research Interests:
Molecular Biology, Marine Biology and Microbiology.
- Dr. Simone Cappello graduated in “Biological Science” at the University of Messina (Italy) and he got the PhD in "Science and Engineering of the Sea" (XVII cycle) at the University of Naples "Federico II " (Italy).
- Dr. Simone Cappello is a Researcher at the Italian National Research Council, in the service of the Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (IAMC) of Messina.
- Dr. Cappello is a member of the Marine Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology "(M3 B) and, in the same Institute, is Group Leader of "Group of Applied Microbiology for Environmental Biotechnology (GAMBIT)".
Principal research topics of Dr. Cappello include:
- Ecology and physiology of marine prokaryotes;
- Macroorganism-microorganism relationships.
- Molecular microbiology, ecology and biotechnology in marine and terrestrial environment;
- Development and optimization of bioremediation treatments for the recovery of terrestrial and marine sites contaminated by organic pollutants / hydrocarbons and heavy metals;
- Treatment of waste originated from marine transportation;
- Development of integrated (physical-chemical-mechanical) system for recovery of oily wastes;
- Development of scale systems (microcosms and mesocosms) to simulate the marine environment;
- The scientific activity of Dr. Simone Cappello is witnessed by more than 51 publications, 12 chapters in different books and/or volumes, more than 100 poster and/or oral communications in National and International conferences with a total H index equal to 21 (Google Scholar index) .
- Dr. Simone Cappello has participate (as Principal Researcher) in different National and European Project (e.g. BIODEEP, PON-SABIE, MAGIC-PAH, ULIXES and KILL-SPILL) having as main topics microbial biotechnology and optimization of bioremediation techniques;
- Dr. Cappello is also local coordinator for the operative unit of IAMC-CNR of Messina of two National Operative Project PON2012-2015 (SEAPORT and STI-TAM), of a National Interest Research Program (PRIN2010-11), of a Italian PNRA (STRANGE), a Project/Agreement with ISPRA (“Marine Strategy”) and an order of research funded by ENI S.p.A.