Cohen Tervaert Jan
Professor of Medicine and Immunology,
Maastricht University.
Research Interests:
Glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, Immunology, Inflammation and auto-immunity of vascular disorders, such as atherosclerosis and the pathophysiology of ASIA.
- Dr. Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert is basically from The Netherlands.
- He is a graduate of the Medical School, Groningen, the Netherlands.
- In 1993, he became Medical specialist with clinics in different locations; specialization: disorders such as systemic auto-immune diseases, vasculitis, foreign body reactions, immune defiencies and unsolved clinical problems.
- He was appointed as Head of the Immunology Laboratory as well as Medical specialist, Department of Internal Medicine, Reumatology and Gastro-enterology in University Hospital Maastricht, Maastricht in 2000.
- In 2012, he was appointed as Research Director, Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland, Rotterdam.
- Previously he was working as Professor of Internal Medicine and Immunology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
- Currently he is serving as Professor in University of Alberta, and Director, division of Rheumatology, UA, Edmonton, Canada.