MD,DCH.Diplomate National Board,DCH(Glasgow),MNAMS,Fellow in HIV Medicine &FIAP
9837142555, 2721182
syed ali
Street No. 4, Greater Azad EnclaveDoharra Mafi, PO Kwarsi, Aligarh 202002 (U.P) INDIA.
Research Interests:
Neonatology, intensive care and HIV Medicine.
- I have passed MBBS in 1982 with Gold Medal in Obst. & Gynae, DCH in 1985, MD (Paed.) in 1987 from Aligarh Muslim University, DNB in 1994 from National Board, New Delhi, DCH in 1997 from Royal College of Phys & Surgeon, Glasgow and Fellow in HIV Medicine in 2007 from Regional Training Centre Maulana Azad Medical College Delhi and joined Department of Pediatrics in 28th Feb. 1987 as a Senior Resident, 19th Sept. 1988 as a Lecturer, 19th Sept. 1992 as a Senior Lecturer, 27th July 1998 as a Reader, 27th July 2006 as a Professor.
- I have published 40 papers in reputed National and International Journals viz. Indian Pediatrics, Indian journal of Pediatrics, Journal of tropical Pediatrics, Pediatric infectious Diseases, and Current Pediatric Research.
- I am also reviewer of Indian Pediatrics, Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Pediatrics Infectious Diseases, African Journal of Food Science, Journal of Medicinal Plant and Research & International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences.
- I have also supervised/ Co-Supervisor/Evaluator thesis for M.D and delivered lectures on important pediatrics topics at state and national pediatrics conference/ seminars.
- I am coordinator of Comprehensive Child Survival Programme & Malnutrition Treatment Unit (MTU) and ongoing global polio eradication programme of UNICEF.
- I am also Chairman of Department of Pediatrics form 2009 to till date and during this period a collaboration of Department of Pediatrics has been established with Indian Council of Medical Research, UNICEF, WHO, MCHIP US-AID and Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University, Washington.
- I was assistant proctor, warden, deputy director and director of Medical Attendant Scheme of AMU.