Iran, Islamic Republic of
Assistant Professor,
Graduate Faculty of Environment,
University of Tehran.
Roohollah Noori
Graduate Faculty of Environment,
University of Tehran Ghods Street,
P.O. Box: 14155-6135,
Tehran, Iran.
Research Interests:
- Environmental-Water Resources Systems Analysis
- Lakes and Reservoirs Management
- Hydrological Modeling (Numerical & Data-Driven Models)
- Assessment of Water Quality Monitoring Networks.
- B.Sc , 2005, Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
- M.Sc , 2007, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University
- Ph.D , 2012, Environmental Engineering, University of Tehran.
Papers in International Journals:
- Vesali-Naseh, Mohammadreza, Roohollah Noori, Ronny Berndtsson, Jan Franklin Adamowski, and Elaheh sadatipour. "Groundwater Pollution Sources Apportionment in the Ghaen Plain, Iran." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 15, no. 2 (2018): 172.
- Ghahremanzadeh, Hooman, Roohollah Noori, Akbar baghvand, and Touraj Nasrabadi. "Evaluating the main sources of groundwater pollution in the southern Tehran aquifer using principal component factor analysis." Environmental Geochemistry and Health 39, no. 7 (2017): 1-12.
- Noori, Roohollah, Abdolreza Karbasi, Khosro Ashrafi, Mojtaba Ardestani, Naser Mehrdadi, and Gholamreza Nabi Bidhendi. "Active and online prediction of BOD5 in river systems using reduced-o." ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 1, no. 67 (2012): 141-149.
- Noori, Roohollah, Abdolreza Karbasi, Amir Khakpour, Mohammadreza Shahbazbegian, Hassan Mohammadi Khalf Badam, and Mohammad Reza Vesali-Naseh. "Chemometric Analysis of Surface Water Quality Data: Case Study of." ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING & ASSESSMENT 4, no. 17 (2012): 411-420.
- Noori, Roohollah, Abdolreza Karbasi, , and Mohammad Reza Vesali-Naseh. "A framework development for predicting the longitudinal dispersion coefficient in natural streams using an." ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 3, no. 30 (2011): 439-449.
- Noori, Roohollah, Abdolreza Karbasi, Alireza Moghaddam Nia, Dawei Han, MOHAMMAD Zokaei-Ashtiani, , and . "Assessment of input variables determination on the SVM model performance using PCA, Gamma test, and forward selection techniques." JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 3-4, no. 401 (2011): 177-189.
- Noori, Roohollah, Mohammad Salman Sabahi, Abdolreza Karbasi, Akbar baghvand, and Hossien Taati Zadeh. "Multivariate statistical analysis of surface water quality based on correlations and." Desalination 1-3, no. 260 (2010): 129-136.