Department of Population and Health, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Francis Appiah
Department of Population and Health, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.
Research Interests:
Under-Five child health, Neonatal health, Health-seeking behaviour, smoking, material health, contraceptives and adolescent reproductive health.
Educational qualification:
Bachelor of Arts (Population and Health) with Second Class Honours, (Upper Division);
Master of Philosophy (Population and Health)
Institution attended:
University of Cape Coast
- Nutritional composition of breadfruits ( Artocarpus spp. and Treculia africana ) in Ghana.
- Evaluation of the performance of three drying technologies and three loading densities for the production of cassava chips.
- Pesticides usage in cabbage (Brassica oleracea) cultivation in the forest ecozone of Ghana.
- Vegetable Handling, Distribution, and Wholesale Profitability in “Abinchi” Night Market, Kumasi-Ghana.
- The Effect of the Development of a Rapid Response to Sanitory and Phytosanitory Concern System on Export Oriented Horticulture in Ghana.
- Predicting the Consumer Acceptability of Dried MD2 and Smooth Cayenne Pineapple Pulps from Chemical Composition.
- Predicting the Digestibility of Nutrients and Energy Values of 4 Breadfruit Varieties Based on Chemical Analysis.
- Comparative assessment of the performance of Parkia biglobosa, Glycine max and Treculia africana in the production of a local condiment (dawadawa) in Ghana.
- Quality response of cabbage ( Brassica oleracea L . var . capitata ) heads to different package sizes and precooling by shading.
- Pesticides usage in Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea ) Cultivation in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality of the Ashanti Region of Ghana.
- Effect of ripening stage on composition, sensory qualities and acceptability of keitt mango (mangifera indica L.) chips.
- Effect of Ripening on Eating Quality of 'Keitt' Mango Chips.
- Proximate and Mineral Composition of Artocarpus altilis Pulp Flour as Affected by Fermentation.
- Physicochemical and functional properties of bean flours of three cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) varieties in Ghana.
- The effect of time of harvest and drying method on the nutritional composition of spider flower (Cleome gynandra L).