University P.&M. Curie Sorbonne University
(33 1) 44 27 32 40/ 32 36, 33 06 73 57 31 36
Ph.D. UMR 8256 B2A Biological Adaptation and Ageing Team Brain Development,
Repair and Aging (BDRA),
Direcor of Longevity Institute Boite 14,
University P. and M. Curie, 9 quai St Bernard, 75005, Paris, FRANCRE.
Research Interests:
neuroinflammation and brain aging nuclear receptors role in inflammation and control of cytokines aging and inflammaging clincla research on aging
- Normal adult climbing fiber monoinnervation of cerebellar Purkinje cells in mice lacking MHC class I molecules.
- Beta adrenergic induced K+ current Xenopus oocytes role of cAMP inhibition by muscarinic agents.
- The Oxygen Paradox, the French Paradox, and age-related diseases.
- RORα Coordinates Thalamic and Cortical Maturation to Instruct Barrel Cortex Development.
- Acute Stress Affects the Expression of Hippocampal Mu Oscillations in an Age-Dependent Manner.
- Relationship between sleep parameters, insulin resistance and age-adjusted insulin like growth factor-1 score in non diabetic older patients.
- Étude FALL-Aging-SLEEP : insomnie, chutes et sarcopénie chez les patients gériatriques.
- Étude Fall-Aging-Sleep : Apnées du sommeil, chutes et sarcopénie chez les patients gériatriques.
- NMDA Receptor Contribution to the Climbing Fiber Response in the Adult Mouse Purkinje Cell.
- Defining the brain circuits involved in psychiatric disorders: IMI-NEWMEDS.
- Deletion of the GluRδ2 Receptor in the Hotfoot Mouse Mutant Causes Granule Cell Loss, Delayed Purkinje Cell Death, and Reductions in Purkinje Cell Dendritic Tree Area.
- Underperception of Naps in Older Adults Referred for a Sleep Assessment: An Insomnia Trait and a Cognitive Problem?
- Interleukin-10 Production in Response to Amyloid-β Differs between Slow and Fast Decliners in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.
- Leukocyte Telomere Length in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients with a Different Rate of Progression.
- The retinoid-related orphan receptor alpha is essential for the end-stage effector phase of experimental epidermolysis bullosa acquisita.
- Hypertension Accelerates the Progression of Alzheimer-Like Pathology in a Mouse Model of the Disease.