Antigen Processing and Recognition

Antigen Processing and Recognition is a vital biological process which enables our immune system to protect us from potentially harmful foreign bodies. Antigens are molecular structures that are recognized as foreign or potentially dangerous by our immune system, triggering an immune response. During recognition and processing, antigen-presenting cells display antigens to specialized white blood cells called T-cells. This activates the T-cells, which then recognize and bind to the antigen-presenting cells, releasing substances to initiate an immune response against the harmful antigen. This process is essential for our immune system to identify, respond to and protect us from a wide range of potentially harmful substances. In some cases, however, this process can become dysregulated, leading to autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms and pathways of antigen processing and recognition is critical for the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases and conditions.

From: International Journal of Antibiotic Research

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