
Antibiotics are drugs used to treat and prevent bacterial infections. They work by killing or stopping the growth of bacteria, allowing the body’s immune system to fight the infection. Antibiotics are essential for treating many common bacterial infections and have saved millions of lives. They can also be used to treat some fungal and viral infections, but are less effective than in treating bacterial infections. The misuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a serious threat to global health. To globally combat this trend, it is important for healthcare professionals, farmers and general public to use antibiotics responsibly.

From: International Journal of Antibiotic Research

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Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: International Journal of Antibiotic Research is an openaccess, peer review journal for original analysis on Antibiotics in different disease conditions. IJANR a multi-disciplinary journal covering the general fields of pharmacology, biochemistry, genetics,and microbiology .