International Journal of Antibiotic Research

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International Journal of Antibiotic Research-Antibiotic resistance research Phytomedicine Pharmacology microbiology mycology Biochemistry-ELISABETH ZEUKO'O MENKEM


University of Yaounde 1

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8476 Yaounde-Cameroon

Research Interests:

Antibiotic resistance research Phytomedicine Pharmacology microbiology mycology Biochemistry


Zeuko’o Menkem Elisabeth is a full time lecturer at the School Of Health And Medical Sciences, Kumbo, Catholic University of Cameroon Bamenda. She holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon. She has published a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals and has been a reviewer in a number of journals. Zeuko’o Menkem Elisabeth is passionate about research in Medicinal plants, Pharmacology, toxicology, microbiology, phytobiochemistry and antimicrobial research. Miss Elisabeth has been awarded a number of scholarships which permitted her to work and collaborate with other researchers in her field expanding her knowledge and opening her to the world of research. In addition, she has attended many conferences both national and international levels where she presented in oral and poster forms. She lives in Yaounde-Cameroon.